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Gia's P.O.V

I waited a while before actually getting up, actually it was about 3 to 5 hours. But the next text wasn't so friendly so I had no choice.

I jumped off of Larry's bed, running straight out of his room and into my own. I ran around my room, looking for something to change into. I began to slip out of my juice stained shirt as I paced around the room, a little shaken up.

And not just because of the phone call, but... the fact that me and Larry almost.....had sex....

I pulled down my skirt and kicked off my shoes before sliding into a pair of black leggings and a grey fitting halter top. I scanned my eyes around my dresser and desk in search of a rubber band.

I quickly found one and rushed towards it. I tied my hair up, not caring what the ponytail I tied it into looked like. I grabbed my Timberland's and rushed out my room, going down the stairs while I tried to fit my feet into my boots. Once I had slipped them on, I grabbed my keys and phone. I rushed out the door and down the driveway, now out of breath as I reach my car and hop in.

My phone lit up, indicating I had an incoming text or call. My eyes pierced the screen as I read the text message.

"Good Girl. NOW DRIVE BITCH!!", the text message read.

I could feel my tears swarming around in my eyes, trying their best to break me. But I kept my guard up as I inserted my keys into the ignition and sped off down the long street. I kept my eyes on the road, though I wasn't paying any attention.

I pull up to the designated location, the park. I park my car across the street before jogging over to the bench that sat in front of the park. I slowly sit down and look around the empty lot. Not one person can be seen, only various cars passing by with their blinding head and tail lights.

My phone buzzed yet again. My stomach had started to fill up with butterflies. But the question rested in my head, "Why am I so nervous?"

I pulled my phone out and read the new text message that I had received. And the minute I had read the first few words, I knew that this wouldn't be the text I usually get. Instead of the usual scare, the text sort-of had a background of sorrow and mystery behind it. And it made me more uneasy than I already was to begin with.

"Dear old friend,

I've known you for some time. You've seen me, but you've never actually SEEN me. Me for who I am. You never understood what is was like to grow up with someone you truly hate. Someone who always thought they were better, and deserved more! Someone who just couldn't let their 'friend' stand in the spotlight for just 5 seconds without them taking it away Gia. Someone who DESERVES to get punished, and you my dear friend have been just that for all these years. What do you think your father would say if he found out you were fucking your stepbrother Gia! I don't think he'd be to pleased considering his coat of honor. After all, he was in the military. And the things that you two have been doing, I don't think your mom or Jordan would be to pleased. And the thing with the bathroom, you're quite the bad girl when it comes to using tongues, aren't you? I would really hate to let that little video get out, but sadly it might have to".             -xoxo- a dear friend-

I sat there on the bench, reading the text message as fear creeped right from behind me. I had suddenly felt a tall, dark shadow behind me which made me jump and fall from the bench. As I tried to stand back up, the shadow came forward and pushed me back down to the ground.

Larry's P.O.V

I laid on my bed, still aggravated that Gia had to cut our little 'talk' so short. My phone binged and I reached over for it. A new text had been sent to my phone.

"I'd come to the park too if I were you. You're a smart boy Larry, but have you got the balls to be a man and actually PROVE IT?", the text message read.

Immediately, I jump up, throwing on a wife beater and jeans. I slip on my shoes and rush out of my room and downstairs. Finding a sleeping Laurent on the couch. I run out the door and reach my truck. As I start my truck up, ideas of the worst circled my head. And as I drove down the street, the nervous wall that I had tried to keep down rose higher and higher the closer I got to the park.

Author's P.O.V

Larry pulled up to the park and parked his truck. But before he could get out, he saw Gia on the ground, her hands up in the air trying to fight off the figure that hung over her. Larry heard her scream and plea for help as the person held a tight wrap around her neck, chocking her. Larry watched as the person showed no mercy on Gia as she gasped for air. And the more he watched, the more his blood continued to boil.

And finally, he'd had enough.

Larry jumped out of his truck and ran towards the tall shadowy figure. All he saw was red, and the person was his exact target.

He ran towards the person and lunged at them. He pulled them off of Gia, throwing the person to the ground in the process. He helped Gia up as she whimpered and cried into his chest, trying her best to catch her breath.

Larry and Gia looked over and instantly noticed the person had long light and brown hair. The person got up, wiping blood from their lip as they had finally exposed themselves.

"Tara! Are you... are you serious! You nearly k-killed me", Gia screamed, breathless.

"Gia, I-I was only trying to protect you!"

"Protect me?! You could've killed me! Are you out of your fucking mind?!"

"T-that was the only way. That's the only way to save you..."

"And killing me is saving me huh?! I-I can't believe you! I...I-I TRUSTED YOU TARA! How could you?!"

Gia's tears started to fall from her cheeks as she stared at her bestfriend right before her, almost 15 seconds ago, who was nearly about to choke her to death.

"Gia, I'm so sorry! I never meant for it to go this far", Tara cried as she started to whimper.

"You did this?! You... you! All this time..."

"No, it wasn't just me, it was her!"


"She made me promise not to tell you!"

"We're supposed to be best friends! No secrets! But this is DEFINATELY one of them Tara! Now tell me who! Who is she?!"

"I can't Gia..."

"Tell her", Larry barked through a deep dark tone which made Tara jump back.

"Tara, tell me... why are you doing this? You were like a sister to me, and you just stabbed me in the back! I don't give a damn about who told you what to say, I will beat the shit out of you if you don't tell me who! And that's a promise!"

"I'd rather die than tell you who.."

"That can be arranged", Gia threatened.

"Gia, I never meant to hurt you, it all just started off as a prank..... but she took it.... way to far. And I can't stop her....".

Update finished! I know y'all have an idea of who 'her' is. Tell me who you guys think could be Tara's other 'friend'? I wanna know!!!! (I wish I had a pack of skittles to read with this, lollll)

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