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Gia's P.O.V 

(In car, after school)

I drove down the street just 3 houses down from mines, turning the corner, only to be stopped by a red light. I waited impatiently, trying to get home as fast as possible. And the juice stain on my shirt wasn't making my wait any better. Getting out of these clothes was my main priority as of right now aside from getting home.

3 minutes in, my phone starts to buzz loudly from my bag. I groan annoyingly as I reach for it and pull it out. I notice Tara's caller I.D and instantly hit the answer button lighting up on my phone.

(Phone convo)

Gia: Tara! Oh my god, I'm so glad you called!

Tara: Hey, you ok?

Gia: Yea, I'm good. What about you?

Tara: ...I'm alright

Gia: You sure?... You don't sound alright

Tara: Have you found out anything yet?

Gia: No

Tara: I hope you find the person who's doing this

Gia: I hope so too, I'm a little scared

Tara:.. Listen, I gotta go. I'll talk to you later

Gia: Wait Tara! Can we at least talk, please?

(End of phone convo)

Before I could even get the rest of my good bye out, I heard the phone click, meaning Tara had already hung up. I rolled my eyes and stuffed my phone back into my back, putting my hands back onto my steering wheel. The light turns green and I drive off.

I pull up into my driveway, seeing Laurent just get out of his car. I grab my bag and pull my keys out of the ignition before hopping out my car. I walk up the driveway as Laurent greets me with a warm smile and hug.

"Hey sister". "Hey Lau", I reply sluggishly. He looks at my weird-like facial expression and knows I'm irritated. "What's wrong", he asks. I bite my lip in frustration as I began to speak. "Nothing", I lie. "I just had a bad day", I lie again. He chuckles. "Well, yours couldn't have been any worse than mine. My stomach was hurting really bad and the lights went out while I was in the restroom and I got scared and fell off the toilet seat. I shrieked like a girl and everybody on that hallway heard me." I laughed until I almost cried as we both walked up to the front door, unlocking and opening the door.

Author's P.O.V

Gia and Lau walk into the kitchen, finding Larry stuffing his face with leftovers. "Hey bro", Laurent greets him. Larry mumbles through his food as he smiles with food in between his teeth. "Eew bro, go brush your teeth", Laurent says through disgust in his voice. "I was just about to do that", Larry answers as he balls his napkin up and wipes his mouth. He gets up to throw away his empty plate before jogging upstairs to brush his teeth.

Laurent fixes him a plate and finds a place on the couch as he enjoys his food and watches a movie. Gia leaned against the kitchen counter top, running her fingers through her hair. She sighs as she props herself back onto her feet, walking into the hallway and making her way upstairs.

She knocks on Larry's door, waiting a good 5 seconds before he opened the door, shirtless with a toothbrush hanging out his mouth and toothpaste in the cracks of his mouth.

"Hey, can come in", she asks hesitantly. "Yea, come on", Larry guides his hand, gesturing her to come into the room. She walks in, fiddling with her hands as Larry closes the door and walks back into the restroom.

He finishes up and wipes his mouth with a warm rag before entering his room again. He notices Gia's behavior and becomes more worried than before. He walks over to her and sits closely down beside her.

"Gia, do you wanna talk about it?" Her face scrunches from the tears forming in her eyes, trying to fall, but Gia wouldn't let them. She shook her head no, but Larry wasn't buying that.

"I know that this hasn't been easy, and it's not easy for me either, but keeping it inside won't help anything." Gia listened to what Larry was saying, but nothing seemed to get through to her. It was all just overwhelming for her.

"Larry, I-I don't know what to do. I-I'm scared....Can you just hold me", Gia cried. Larry immediately pulled her into his tight embrace as she cried into his chest, letting everything out. Larry rocked her back and fourth, kissing her forehead to try his best to comfort her.

He laid Gia down and climbed on top of her. He kissed her tears away as she continued to let them fall from her puffy wet eyes.

Gia looked into his eyes and sniffled. "You feel better?" Gia didn't say anything, she pulled his neck down and smashed her lips into his, roughly and sloppily.

Larry groaned between kisses as Gia moaned into his mouth. Their kiss had gotten more intimate and hungrier. Larry rubbed Gia's thighs, up and down as he rolled his hips into her through her skirt.

He glided his tongue along her bottom lip, wanting to gain access. Gia gave him entrance for his tongue to go into war with hers, but he one that battle.

"Mmm baby, let me make love to you right now, I just wanna fuck you so bad", Larry whispered into her ear. Gia bit her lip and rolled them over, so that now she was straddling him. "Give it to me daddy", she moaned into his ear.

But before anything else could happen, Larry's phone had went off, buzzing on the dresser. "Just leave it", Larry told her as he continued to kiss her roughly, now going down to her neck. The phone continued to buzz as Larry lifted up her skirt, kissing and licking her thighs. Gia just couldn't ignore the interruption of Larry's phone.

"Ugh, just answer it!" Larry groaned angrily, rolling over and grabbing his phone. He hit the answer button as Gia rose up from the bed, fixing her skirt in the process.

"Uh, yea h-hold on", Larry spoke into the phone. He handed the phone to Gia, leaving her confused. "Who is it", she whispered to Larry. He shrugged and waited for her to answer the phone.

"H-hello?" "Come to the park down the street NOW", the voice spoke, high pitched but yet scratchy. "Who is this?" "Just come to the park". "I'll be waiting Gia", the voice taunted in a mockingly and singing voice tune.

The phone clicked and Gia pulled the phone away from her ear, slowly. The voice sounded really familiar, almost to familiar for Gia. She knew she had recognized it from somewhere, but she couldn't think straight. And the scratchiness of the voice didn't help the memorization of the mysterious caller.

"Who was that", Larry asked. "I don't know. I have to go".

Update finished! Ooh, could this be who's been messing with Gia and Larry, or is it just a special somebody that "really" wants to talk? You guys tell me!! Until next chapter my luvs!!!!!!!!!

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