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Gia's P.O.V

*Next Day*

I angrily groaned as my alarm clock went off. I shot up from my bed and flung my arms to over to hit the snooze button. I wiped the sleep out of my eyes before stumbling out of bed and into the bathroom.

Though I was still half sleep, when I walked in, I could see Larry bent over the bathroom sink brushing his teeth. He smiled at me through the mirror making me return the same wide smile he had. Why is he so happy this morning?

"Why are you so happy", I asked as I walked over to the shower. "Because you walked in", he answered. What he said slightly made me blush. "How'd you sleep?" "Good, you?" "Same", he said while spitting the toothpaste out of his mouth. He finished brushing his teeth while I turned the shower knob to adjust the water the way I wanted it.

I stuck my hand into the water to see if it was right. "Perfect", I thought to myself. As soon as the water got to the right temperature I turned to Larry. "Umm, Larry can you get out so I can take a shower please?" He turned around to face me with the same smirk he always gives me. "Why? I've already seen 'it'". I lightly laughed at his comment, not sure what to say next.

"Larry, I really need to take a shower". "Then take a shower", he turned back around. "Well can you...", I was cut off by him turning back around, "Can I take a shower with you", he blurted out. The smile on my face soon was gone. A blank expression grew on my face as I let what he asked sink in more and more. "I don't kno..", before I could finish, he was already stripping down and grabbing a rag.

"Larry, what are you doing?" "Taking a shower, come on...", he smiled as he held out his hand. I though about it for a minute.. but what's the harm in taking a shower. Oh yea, I'm doing it with my stepbrother. I took a deep breath before stripping out of my pajamas and grabbing his hand. I was a little uneasy at first, but once I stepped in and let the water hit my body, all of my worries went away. Larry didn't waist anytime grabbing the soap and washing my body, gently. I softly moaned, letting him know I was relieved at what he was doing, yet earning a small smirk from him.

After he was finished, he handed me the rag indicating that he wanted me to wash him. I grabbed it out of his hand and poured the soap onto it. I washed him up and down, not missing a single spot. Once I was finished, I washed the rag under the water to get the soap out before turning the knob to the right to stop the water. Me and Larry stepped out of the warm shower, to the exposed cold air, letting it hit our bodies sending chills through me.

*12 min. later*

I finished my hygiene stuff for the morning and walked out of the restroom. Larry finished before me and he was already downstairs, dressed and ready to go. I walked into my closet and simply just pulled out a pair of skinny blue jeans and a floral crop top. I went to my shoe shelf and grabbed my white converse and laid everything out on my bed. Once I found the right bra and panties and slipped into my shirt, but struggled to get my jeans on. Curse these curves my mom gave me!

I finally got my jeans on after almost doing a full exercising course of jumping and squatting. I quickly put on my shoes and tied the shoe laces before grabbing my backpack and my phone off the charger. I tied my hair into a messy bun as I walked out of my room, rushing to get downstairs so I can leave. I bumped into Laurent at the top of the stair case.

"Morning sis", he smiled. "Morning... brother", I greeted back. "Awww, you called me brother", he teased, childishly cheesing. I giggled and proceeded downstairs. I saw the time on the stove as I walked into the kitchen and realized I still had a half hour left. Damn! Why did I get ready so early? I grunted and pulled the stool out from the under the table and sat down at the island table. I had nothing else to do so I took my phone out and started to text Tara.

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