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Author's P.O.V

After they all left the skating rink, they decided to go out for pizza before they headed back to the house. They all settled for Pizza Hut.

When they got there, they sat down and Laurent ordered a large pepperoni pizza and a liter of pepsi. Once his order was given, they all exited and headed back to the house to eat their food.

Gia's P.O.V

We pull up in the driveway and exit the car, rushing to get inside and eat. The pizza had my mouth nearly watering from the aroma that entered my nose through out the car ride.

When we get inside, Tara sat the pepsi on the counter and Laurent sat the pizza down next to it. Larry pulled out cups and plates, but before he could even give it to us, we were ripping pieces of the pizza off and chewing away.

"Damn, slow down", he laughed. We all got our plates and piled pieces of pizza on them, next getting our cups and filling them with soda. "I thought I had forgot how to skate", Tara said. We all shared a snicker of laughter at her comment. "Me too", I said holding up one hand.

"I like skating, but it always smells like sweaty floors and dirty gym socks when we go to that skating rink", Larry said with a mouth full of pizza. "I know right", Laurent agreed. "At least we had fun though guys", I said.

We spent the rest of our time eating pizza and drinking soda and making jokes. When we were finished, we cleaned up our mess and went upstairs. While I was putting the soda away in the refrigerator, I came across a note. It was from my mom. It read, "Gia, if you, Larry, or Laurent are looking for me, I had to go and visit a friend of mines. Janet, I'm sure you remember her. She had an accident and I wanted to make sure she's ok. If I'm not back by tonight, I'm at the hospital with her. Jordan is out with his friends, and if he's not back, he'll be back tomorrow. Don't burn the house down and try to stay out of trouble while I'm gone girly! Love y'all <3"

I smiled at the note and clipped it back on the magnet I found it on and hung it back on the refrigerator. Suddenly I felt arms wrap around my waist and tug me back. I grinned, already knowing who it was. "Looks like I got you all to myself", he whispered. "Tara and Laurent are here Larry." "I'm pretty sure you told Tara, and I most definitely told Laurent, so what's stopping us?" "What do you mean you told Laurent?"

I knew what he meant, but I wanted to here him say it. I know I told Tara about me and Larry in the bathroom, but I had no idea he told Laurent. And if he did, I would think Laurent would've been talking about it, but I guess he just shook it off and didn't say anything.

"Just know that the only people who will ever know about this and keep it a secret are mon frère and Tara... and of course us", he said. I turned around to face him, to find him looking deeply into my eyes as soon as my head turned. He leaned in to kiss me, and I immediately accepted. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his hands traveled and roamed my body.

The sweet and passionate kiss soon turned into something rough and hungry. He tapped my legs indicating that he wanted me to jump up. I did and my legs instantly wrapped around his torso. He placed me on the counter behind us and started to fiddle with the zipper and button on my pants.

"Eww, get a room", Tara laughed, but grunted in disgust. "No problem", Larry smirked. Before I could do or say anything else, Larry picked me up and threw me onto his shoulder and rushed us upstairs into my bedroom, closing and locking the door shut.

He placed me onto the bed and climbed on top of me. "Larry what are you doing", I laughed as I placed my hands on the crook of his neck. "You know what I'm doing", he smiled. I bit my bottom lip as he leaned in and took my earlobe into his mouth. "You got me so hard today in these jeans baby girl", he groaned. I couldn't help but let out a soft moan as he kissed all around my neck.

He moved all the way down to my stomach, teasing me by biting at my belly button piercing. He bit down on the piercing while he never broke eye contact with me. He kissed and sucked all over my stomach leaving little purple marks everywhere. He started to go down further and unzipped the zipper on my pants.

"Larry... wait, stop", I blurted out, shaking as I touched his chests to stop him. "What's wrong", he asked with a confused facial expression. "I-I... I just don't think I'm ready Larry... not yet, not right now", I explained. "Gia, I'm not gonna hurt you...", he kissed my lips softly. "I know that, but I wanna wait... please."

He shook his head and climbed off of me and I turned away from him so that I didn't have to look at his face. But just when I thought he was mad, he pulled me from behind and wrapped me into his arms and chest. I smiled and snuggled underneath his grip and laid there, in thought.

I turned around and realized he was sleep. I gently pulled away from his arms and creeped out of the bed and walked over to my desk. I heard Tara and Laurent downstairs laughing up a storm so I knew they wouldn't come up here. I reached for one of my desk drawers and pulled out a medium sized brown dark wooded box. I sat it down on the desk quietly after I reached under it for the taped key I always keep underneath it. I unlocked the box and pulled out my purple furred cover diary and unlocked it too. I grabbed a pen from my case and began to make a new entry- more like a rant in some way...

"God Gia, what are you doing... he's your stepbrother. This is so wrong in so many different levels of disrespect. I should have more respect for myself than to sleep with my stepbrother. What if my mom or Jordan finds out. I'm so dead. Or my school, my class mates, the neighborhood... I should start digging my own grave right now! I can't keep this up... but I want to. I can't stop this, not right now at least.

There's nothing really wrong with this, I mean he's only my stepbrother, and we're not blood related, so what's the harm? But just the thought of him labeled as 'stepbrother' scares me into thinking that if I do have sex with him, I'll be one hell of a disgrace to God in some way. But I just can't stop this, I can't... and I won't. My stepbrother and I have a weird relationship, but in a way... I like it, and him."

I know my last update probably sucked monkey marbles but I promise guys, this story will get better in time, I just don't wanna rush things, I want everything to fall into place in order and organized, if you know what I mean.

But anyways... Update finished! Ugh, back to school I go on Monday. I'm soaking up as much time on Wattpad as I can because I know it's gonna be hard for me to update considering the amount of homework this school gives, lol, but I will try and I promise to keep writing.

Hit that vote button and feel free to comment your positive thoughts!<3<3


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