She's Back No.37

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Author's P.O.V

*3 weeks later*

"Larry, where are you taking me", Gia giggled. Larry pulled her wrist, guiding her the way. "It's a surprise baby, keep those eyes closed". "I swear to god if I fall, I'm gonna beat your ass", she hit his chest. "Well that wouldn't be very nice", he chuckled.

Gia could feel her foot being dropped, and she now realized she was going down a flight of stairs. Larry gripped her lower back to prevent her from falling. Gia held onto him, in fear she might twist her ankle, even though she was wearing flats.

"Ok, stand right here", Larry said, holding onto Gia's shoulders to place her in front of her. "Larry, what're you doi-", Gia covered her mouth, lost without words at what she saw before her.

"Larry..." He stood on one knee, holding up a gold and sliver ring, that shined in Gia's eyes. "Is that my promise ring", she managed to croak out, her breath caught in her throat. "Your new one", Larry smiled.

"Gia, I promise to you that I will get you back and I promise to love you and our son forever. I promise to make you my wife one day and take care of you. Now, you have to promise me one thing too... you promise to let me love you and not hurt you again?" Gia still stood there with her shaking hands over her mouth, not sure what to say. Everything had token her by surprise.

"...I promise", she finally said. Larry smiled and grabbed her hand, taking her finger and slipping the promise ring on where it once was before. "It's so beautiful", Gia admired the ring, loving how it had a natural glow on her finger.

"How did you pay-" "I don't want you to worry about that." Gia nodded her head and wrapped her arms around Larry's neck. "You know, I got you something too". "Oh really", he smirked. "Mhmm", she bit her lip.

She took his hand and sat him down on the bench behind them. She reached in her purse and pulled out a black velvet box. She smiled, blushing, as she handed him the box. Larry raised his eyebrows as he took the box from her hands.

He popped open the lid, confused on what was inside ad what it meant. It was a key, plain and silver.

"Baby, what's this?" "Your key", she giggled. "Key?" "To the house... now you don't have to use Jessica's spare one". Larry quickly took the key and put it in his pocket, looking back up at Gia to see her starring down at him.

He pulled her closer, placing his chin on her stomach. "I didn't think you wanted me to have a key". "I guess I just... realized I wanted you around. ...Larry, I love you. We're not perfect, but who's relationship is? I know we can live without each other, we would be just fine... we just don't want to. I don't wanna go another night without you, I need you there. Your son misses you, I miss you. .... Can you come home?"

Larry placed her on his lap, looking into her loving eyes. "I can come home?" "Please", she whispered, her lips grazing his softly. "I'm coming home to you baby, only you", he whispered back, pressing his lips onto hers. She kissed back, allowing his tongue to enter her mouth. Her arms met his neck again, pulling him in as close as possible to deepen the kiss.

He pulled away, pecking her lips a couple of times. "Can I ask you something?" "Anything", she shook her head. "Where you with anyone while we were broken up?" "The truth", she asked, looking away. "Yes", he answered. "No, I couldn't. The whole time you were just in my head, and every man who tried to talk to me... I saw your face in theirs."

Larry rested his forehead against hers, opening up his mouth, but the sound of Gia's phone interrupted him. "Sorry", she sighed, digging for her phone in her purse. She found it and answered.

"Hey Toya, what's up?" "Gia... I'm so sorry", she whispered. "What?" "I'm so, so sorry", she repeated. "What are you sorry for? Toya what's wrong?" "S-she took him". "Who?" "I-I know s-she t-took him", she cried. "Toya, who?!" "She took LJ". "What?! Who did?!" "I know she did", she whispered, her voice becoming raspy. "Who the hell to my son?!" "...Tara did".

It was at this moment, Gia felt as if the world had turned upside down. She couldn't process what Toya had just told her. She held her chest, feeling her heart beat pumping faster than ever. She couldn't fight the tears, she let them go freely. "Oh my god", she gasped, running off towards the steps.

"Gia, what happened", Larry yelled, chasing after her. "She took LJ! We have to find him!" They ran towards Larry's truck, hopping in and starting the car up. Larry sped off, smoke trailing behind the car, along with a few black streaks on the concrete.

Moments later, they pulled up at the apartment where Toya was. She had been babysitting LJ over there for them.

Gia rushed and struggled to find the right key. Larry used his and pulled open the door, not getting it open all the way before Gia rushed inside in search for Toya.

She came down the steps, LJ's blanket gripped tightly in her hands. "Toya! What happened?!" "I put him down for a nap after I fed him. I went to go to the restroom, I came back out and I heard the front door slam shut. I ran into the room... and LJ wasn't there. I searched every inch of this house... Gia, he's not here."

"LJ", Larry yelled, running out the house. Gia followed after him, going to her car and opening the door. She started the car up, turning around to back out of the driveway.

And there LJ was. Sitting in his car seat with a toy in his arms and a kiss mark of red lipstick on his forehead.

Gia's eyes nearly popped out of her head. "LJ", she breathed out, reaching for him and pulling him onto her chest. "Oh my god, Larry! I found him!"


Gia sat next to her peacefully sleeping son, a crazed look in her eyes. Larry left out, searching to see if anyone was still in the area that could've looked mysterious.

Gia stood up from the couch, slowly making her way upstairs and into her bedroom. She reached the door, her eyes catching the foot of the bed. She walked up to it, kneeling down on both knees, reaching underneath the bed and pulling out the box.

She pulled the top off, pushing aside everything else. She found her locket and the note still there where she had left it. She looked for more, until she found it. She pulled out a piece of paper, finding a ten-digit number written on it.

She grabbed her phone and punched in the numbers.

After the fifth ring, she answered. "I knew you'd call me sooner or later". Gia stood up from the carpet, having that same crazed look in her eyes from before. "Listen to me Tara... and listen to me clearly... you came into my house, and you touched my child... I swear on my father's grave, I will have you rotting away in a coffin that you should've been in if you ever touch my son again." "Oh Gia, come on, don't be that way. I was only protecting him." "Protecting him? From what?!" "Them!" "Tara! You gave me a box why?" "Do you know what was inside that locket Gia?" "No". "Inside, it contained a very valuable diamond, worth more than your whole apartment and car combined together". "...You got the diamond, y-you gave me back the locket, what else is there?!" "Just one thing I have to address", she wickedly laughed.

"Tara, we used to be best friends. Why are you doing this to me?!"

"Because you took what was mine!"

"You're sick! You need help, serious help!"

"You took him from me!"



Update finished! Cliff hanger, ughh! I know, but no worries, it gets better... maybe... What is Tara up too guys? Until next update my luv's!<3

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