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Author's P.O.V

"Tara! I was your bestfriend! I-I AM your bestfriend!", Gia yelled, overwhelmed by her constant tears. "I know and I'm", Tara started, but Gia cut her off. "Save it", her voice quivered. "Gia, you-", Gia had cut Larry off. "Don't!" And with that, Gia took off across the street and into her car. "Wait Gia", Larry trailed off behind her, trying his best to catch up with her. Leaving Tara confused, sad, and worried, and only left to run off.

Gia drove down the street towards the house, her eyes on the rode but tears filled them as she tried to concentrate. The puffiness of her eyes were red, matching her tear stained cheeks.

She pulled up in the driveway, slowly getting out and shaking the whole time as she made her way up to the porch and unlocked her front door. She closed and locked the door behind her, leaning on it as she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

Gia's P.O.V

The house was dark, the only light coming from the dim shadows of the tv. I scrunched my eyebrows and followed the light, finally reaching the living room where the light was coming from, only to find Laurent, my mom, and Jordan, all of their cries filling the room.

"H-hey. W-what's wrong?" No one looked my way, no one moved, no one even blinked, their hard and piercing stares just kept on the tv. "Laurent, mom... Jordan?" "Gia, there's... there's something you should see", my mom pointed towards the tv screen, which had instantly caught my attention.

"We are here at this devastating crime scene. 17 year old Tara Williams was driving along this road tonight apparently after being seen arguing with a friend at a local park, a drunk 18 wheeler truck driver had not seen the stop sign, and crashed into this poor girl. Her car had been flipped over 5 times and eventually stopped. The girl had suffered many injuries to the arms, legs, and a couple of minor head blows due to the car flipping over various times. A nearby neighbor had heard the commotion going on and rushed outside and found the girl struggling to crawl from underneath her car. The neighbor then proceeded to help the girl just in time before it burst into flames and called 911. When paramedics arrived, the girl was passed out in the arms of the neighbor. Paramedics were able to revive her and instantly rushed and tried their best to save her, she had lost 4 pints of blood while receiving medical attention, but sadly, the girl later died in the arms of a helping paramedic as others worked to pump air and help this young girl....".

As the news reporter spoke, I could feel myself start to break. Shattering and breaking off into millions of tiny little pieces that could no longer hold from my tears. And finally... I cracked....

"W-what?! N-No! No! No no no no no!! Momma, we-we gotta go to the hospital! Please! No! She... she's not dead! We have to go to the hospital!" My mom rushed over towards me, holding me in her arms as she allowed me to weep and let my cries out into her chest.

"Gia baby, I'm so sorry. Baby, th-there's is no hospital. Baby I'm sorry, but... she's gone. There is no hospital", my mom cried. "No! Tara, she was my bestfriend! Nohohohohoo!"

"I can't believe she's dead", Laurent blurted out, cuddling up next to my mom and me. Just then Larry had entered he house, hearing all of the commotion and rushing towards it. His eyes suddenly connected with the tv screen, catching the last bit of the news report and catching on instantly.

Him and Jordan joined me, my mom, and Laurent in our tight embraces as we cried and let out our pain as we grieved the lost of my bestfriend.

And I could say I was the one who took it the hardest at this point...

Update finished! Yea, so uh, funny story hear, my 18th chapter... I accidentally deleted it and I had to re-publish it. Yea so, for all of you that had voted on it already, sorry if its not exactly the same as the last, and for new readers, I really wished you could've seen the original chapter 18, but, me being dumb, I accidentally deleted the chapter. Not so funny but, sorry....(I feel like a dumbass right now)

Hit that vote button and feel free to comment your positive thoughts!<3


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