Goodbye Houston, Hello New Life No.29

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Start writing your story

*2 days later*

Gia's P.O.V

"Dear Mom,

This may be the hardest thing I've had to write. I couldn't dare tell this to your face. I know it would hurt you bad. And the last thing I want to do is hurt my own mother. But, I have to tell you something. Something I shouldv'e told you a long time ago.

Me and Larry have been ina relationship these past months and have encountered sex recently. I know that it's really hard to digest all of this but, mom I love him. He's been so great to me, and I fell in love with him. I get it, he's my stepbrother and all, but after all the craziness I've been through, I don't care anymore. I never felt so free to express myself more than ever since Larry and I have been together. I feel more whole. He completed me. And mom, I know it hurts, I know it's a big pill to swollow, but I love him and he loves me. I've come to terms and I've learned to accept that I'm in love with my stepbrother, and I'm no longer ashamed. I've embraced it mom. It may seem sick, but I don't care. And I know that disrespecting you is beyond your expectations for me, but, there's nothing that you or anyone can say or do that'll change my mind. I love Larry and if you can't respect that, then that's you. I've never had to make a decision like this in my life,

I'm leaving mom. I'm moving. I'm sorry if this hurts you, but I don't wanna bring my child into this world. I didn't mention I was pregnant, but I am. I'm carrying my own baby, and I'm keeping it. That's why I'm moving. I'm moving away with Larry and our baby. I can't tell you where I'm going, and there's not a likely chance I'll be coming back, but just know that no matter what, I love you and you're still my mom. Please, for the better, do not try to contact either of us. I will not let my child be born into the craziness I created, I want him or her to have a better life, somehwere with just his or her two parents and his or her only two parents. Larry and I are happy, please, please just don't ruin that and take it away from us...


I squeezed my eyes shut, fighting back my tears as I placed the black ink pen down and grabbed the sheet of paper before I clipped it onto the refrigerator. I turned back around to be faced with the clock. '7:30 a.m.' it read. "Time to go", I thought to myself. I clutched the suitcase handle into my hands as I bent down to get my shoulder bag. Larry's foot steps could be heard gently coming down the stairs as he tried just as much as me to not wake my mom and Jordan.

Laurent and Jessica waited pasiently outside, surprisingly following through with this plan. They had agreed to help us, and me and Larry couldn't be more than happy to have them support us.

Me and Larry made our way out the front door, but first taking good look inside and outside, knowing this would probably be our last time seeing the house. We closed the door shut, carrying our bags and rolling our suitcases down the driveway as we proceeded towards Laurent's truck. Jessica hopped out, dressed in pajamas. "We got it baby", Larry said, grabbing ahold of my bags with the help of Laurent who had hopped out the truck to help. I smiled and nodded my head.

"Hey why the sad face", I pinched Jessica's cheeks. "Well other than the obvious, you're moving...", she sarcstically answered. "I promise to send you and Lau a plane ticket". She slightly smiled at my response. "Be safe Gia, I don't want you getting hurt, you know being in a whole new place and all". "I will. Trust me." "I'm really gonna miss you", she pulled me into her arms. I laughed and hugged her back, squeezing her with all of my love. "Don't worry. I won't forget about you". "You better not", she raised an eyebrow. "I promise I won't. And, I also promise that you'll get to see little LJ when he's born", I grinned.

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