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8 months later

Author's P.O.V

"Larry", Gia playfully sung. "Hmm?" "I've been thinkin", she shyly relied. He raised his eyebrows. "Thinkin about what?" "...Prom". "What about it?" "I wanna make that the night me and you... you know...". Larry looked at Gia with wide eyes as her words came out. He was a bit shocked and excited at the same time.

Gia layed on his chest as she played with his little facial hairs. Larry rubbed circles on her bare back as they both layed half naked. This was the week that they tried to spend as much as they could together because his dad and her mom were finally getting married. After months and months of planning, their finally making it official.

Everyone was currently at a hotel in San Antonio. They planned to take a trip there before the wedding and go to Schlitterbahn and relax in the sunny weather. Jordan and Georgia had a room to their selves while Larry, Gia, and Laurent had joined rooms. Georgie had even agreed to let Laurent's new girlfriend come with them... but what she didn't know what they had been planning to do. And, of course Larry snuck into Gia's room and stayed with her, trying his best not to get caught.

"Are you sure Gia? I don't wanna rush you into anything." "I'm sure. I want to...". Larry removed his hands from her back and cupped her cheeks, looking into her twinkling eyes and kissing her passionately. "I love you Gia", he groaned against her lips. "Mmm, I love you too", she moaned.


"Ahh, yes", Jessica moaned as her back arched against the sheets. Laurent grabbed the headboard, feeling his climax coming on as he twitched inside of her. Jessica clenched around him and gripped the sheets, finally exploding all over him as he busted his warm liquids inside of her.

He breathlessly pulled out of her, rolling his condom off in the process. She pushed her sweated out hair off her face and stretched out on the cool sheets. Laurent pulled her into his chest, breathing down her neck as he tried to regain his lost breath.

"That was so good", she blurted out. Laurent chuckled at her words and kissed her shoulder. "I hope my mom didn't hear you", he lightly laughed. "I hope not", she giggled. 

Just then, his phone vibrated against the nightstand. He reached over and hit the answer button, putting the caller on speaker phone as he said hello. "Yo man, I don't wanna hear you sexin down Jess next door", Larry's voice blasted through the phone. Jessica's cheeks turned cherry red as the thought of Gia and Larry hearing her constant moans.

"Whatever Larry. You don't see me complaining, all that groanin I heard last night could've woke up the whole goddamn hotel", Laurent spat back. Larry couldn't help but cackle up a storm as he remembered what last nights events consisted of with him and Gia. "Whatever man", he laughed before hanging up the phone.

3 hours later

Gia's P.O.V

"Thank you", I thanked the cashier. I grabbed me and Jessica's snow cone and proceeded back to her. Once I reached the table, I handed Jess her snow cone and told her to hold mines. "Hey, I gotta go use the restroom". She shook her head as I turned on my heels and walked towards the nearest bye restroom.

I finished my business and walked out of the stall to wash my hands. As I looked for some soap, a girl had just stepped out of her stall. "There's some soap over here", she pointed out. "Oh, thanks", I smiled as I walked over towards it. I squeezed the soap out, but my eyes traveled up to see the girl standing in front of the mirror, fixing her light brown silky hair.

I quickly washed my hands before she got the chance to exit the washroom. "Hey, you look... very familiar to me. Have we met before", I asked as I dried off my hands. "No. I don't think so" she smiled. "I feel like I know you. Do you go to my school?" "No", she shook her head. "What's your name?" "Tammy", she answered. "And your sure we've never met before", I squinted my eyes. "I don't remember you, sorry", she shrugged. I let out a sigh of frustration, finding my self greatly confused.

"Do you know... never mind", I stared to say, but shook my head as I refused to let my next words slip. "Do I know who?" "Nobody. You just look like somebody I used to know." "...I don't mean to sound weird or anything but can I ask you something", the girl shyly said. "Yea, sure", I shook my head. "I-I have this thing... I don't know what it is, or how I got it but, it's like... one minute I can remember everything so clearly, and the next, I forget. I forgot my own name yesterday. I'm not even sure Tammy's my name but, it sounds like my real name, it sounds familiar to me. I don't even know how I got here. I was walking on this long street, the next thing I know... I zoned out... and I'm here. With short hair, and in different clothes, in a hotel room I didn't even know I paid for."

The more she spoke, the more the confusion built up inside of me. I was shocked and taken back by what the girl had told me, and tried my best  to explain to her. "Umm, it could be amnesia", I hesitantly said. "What's that?" "It's kind-of like what you just explained to me. You basically forget a lot of stuff, it's like one big blur." "Can you... help me. I'm really lost and scared right now, and I want to go home... but I don't even know where that is", she said, getting teary-eyed. "Well, where are you from?" "...The woods". I took 2 steps back, my eyes widening et the girl's answer. The woods?!

"I-I know that sounds weird but... I woke up in the middle of the woods next to a burning car. I remember yelling and screaming, then I drove off, and everything's blank from there. It's like a puzzle piece that I can't put together. The pieces either fall off or get lost. And my mind just jumbles like alphabet soup".

 I could feel my tears building in my eyes as I listened to the girl tell me her story. But, my sadness all came to an end as my eyes met with the a piece of gold and silver around her neck. I started to hyperventilate just starring at the necklace. "W-where did you get that", I pointed at the necklace that was hooked neatly around her neck. "... I don't know", she looked confused. "No! Where did you get that!?" "I really don't know...". "I-I gave that to my bestfriend on the day before her 12th birthday!" She remained silent as I cried out my words. "You... you really don't know?" "No. I've had it the whole time. Believe me."

"D-do you have a birth mark on your right arm?" "Yea", she smiled. "How did you know", she asked. "Can I see it", I held out my hand. Her arm shook as she extended it out, letting me roam my fingers freely against the skin until I found what I was looking for. I noticed she had multiple scars, dry blood, and scratches along her arm as I examined it with my eyes very closely.

And finally, I found what I was looking for. The birthmark.

"Oh god", I cried as I covered my mouth. "This can't be possible", I ran my fingers through my hair. "How! You can't... You can't be!" "I can't be who? ...Tara?"

Update finished! Is the suspense killin ya?! Who really is 'Tammy'? Does Gia know? Until next update luv's!!!!

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