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Author's P.O.V

(chapter is un-edited, will be fixed soon)

"Baby, what is it?" Larry didn't speak, he only continued to stare at his phone. Not only was he hurt, he was angry and yet...confused. He knew he had not recently had sex with Melissa, so how could he have HIV. "Unless, the first time", he thought. But the memory of wearing a condom came flooding back.

"Baby", Gia shook him. "Huh", he looked up, his face blank. "Is something wrong", she rubbed his shoulders. "...Uh, n-no. W-what was it you needed?" "...I had to tell you something...". "What?" "...I'm pregnant".

Larry paused. His face went blank again. He was happy, but couldn't find the emotion to show it. That message Melissa had sent him had him worry if he had HIV and if he gave it to Gia, and could he have given it to the baby? He was lost without words, the many questions that circled his head was the cause.

"Larry, please, say something". "I-I have to go", he pushed her off of him and rushed out the bedroom. He grabbed his sweatpants and his hoodie on the way out. Before Gia could get off the bed and run downstairs, he was already out the door and driving.

Gia stood at the top of the stair case, tears welling in her eyes. Her worst nightmare had came true. "Stupid! So stupid", Gia thought to herself, doubting every single word she said leading up to her big surprise, she was pregnant.

Gia ran upstairs and into their bedroom, climbing back into bed and snuggling up with a pillow. She cried and screamed into it, letting out all of her anger.

The sound of a phone alarmed her. It wasn't hers... it was Larry's. He left his phone, unlocked and still on the text message.

Gia sniffled as she propped herself up and reached for his phone. She didn't no what she was reading until she came across the 3-letter words in all caps.


"What the fuck", she whispered to herself. She decided to read the message instead of scanning through the conversation.

And once she finished reading, her stomach turned and her head started to spin. "Oh my god", she covered her mouth. Not only was her nightmare of Larry leaving after she told him she was pregnant, but the start of a new one was only beginning...


*3 hours later*

Gia drove like a mad women, she even skipped one red light. She drove until she finally reached her destination. Dsectionmagazine Photoshoot.

She blew up Laurent's phone until he answered, and when he did, she demanded to know where Larry was since he wasn't returning any of her phone calls. He was as the same place as his brother, and Gia threatened to do things if he hadn't told her where Larry was.

She pulled into a parking space, parking irregular, though she didn't care. She saw his car and her blood boiled even more. Her heels hit the concrete ground as she walked rather fast through the large spaced out parking garage.

She reached the door and flung it open, walking in. The loud sound of music boomed through the walls as she walked through the glass doors.

"Excuse me ma'am, you can't go back there", yelled a secretary. Gia ignored her and kept walking. The secretary followed her and grabbed a hold of Gia's arm.

Gia turned around, and the secretary had suddenly felt the rush of fear creep up onto her. Gia looked her dead in her eyed, intimidating her.

"If you want to keep all 5 of your fingers on that hand, I suggest you back the fuck up and get your damn hand of my arm".

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