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Gia's P.O.V

*2 week later*


Jessica: Hey stranger

Gia: *lol* I know, I haven't been calling much... but I really needed to talk

Jessica: You sound sad, what's been going on

Gia: What hasn't been going on *sarcastically*

Jessica: What do you mean

Gia: Me and Larry... we've been kind-of distant lately. I try to talk to him and he just changes the subject, he comes in late at night, he doesn't call to check up on me or LJ, he's gone in the mornings, he's always on his phone, he barely pays me any attetion anymore. He even stopped... cuddling with me. Like after we're done having sex, he goes in the bathroom for damn near 20-30 minutes and talks on the phone. He doesn't hold me anymore, he barely kisses me, he sleeps on the other side of the bed, sometimes he sleeps on the couch, when I try to snuggle up to him he pushes me off... it's like he doesn't want me anymore and don't know what to do *starts crying*

Jessica: Gia, I'm so sorry that's happening to you. I wish I was there to hug you. ...Look, don't beat yourself up about this, maybe he's just busy

Gia: Busy? Don't even get me started about that. When I try to have a conversation with him, he gets an attitude and leaves off to god knows where and drowns himself in more work

Jessica: Do you think he's... cheating

Gia: He better not be. He's already did it... twice

Jessica: What?! Twice?! I'm sorry but once should've been enough, but twice Gia?!

Gia: *crying harder* I don't know what to do. My relationship is coming apart... but I still love him.

Jessica: I tell you what, cause I don't want you crying and being sad, it breaks my heart... why don't you just sit him down when he's in his best mood, and just ease it up on him slowly. Don't just let it rip like a bandage. Let him know how you feel, because the longer you keep what you feel inside, the longer he's gonna think it's ok and he's gonna keep doing it.

Gia: ...You're right, thanks Jess

Jessica: Happy to help. And remember, you have a son who needs both of his parents in his life, not the mom trying to kill the dad every hour

Gia: *giggles*

Jessica: I love ya girl, I gotta go, Laurent's been horny all morning *light chuckle*

Gia: *mouth drop* Umm... ok, have fun

Jessica: Oh, I will


Author's P.O.V

Gia placed her phone on the nightstand beside her and looked over her shoulder to see her sleeping baby boy. His light snores made a smile on her face. She leaned over and kissed his forehead. She grazed her thumb over his cheeks, adoring his facial features and how much he resembled both her and Larry.

"A'ight man, Ima hit you up tomorrow", a very loud Larry came through the apartment. Gia rolled her eyes as she heard his heavy footsteps stomp their way up the stairs. She turned her head and hung it low, her eyes starring into nothing as she looked amongst the carpet.

A pair of soft, wet lips touching her cheek brought her out of her gaze. He tried to kiss her lips but she moved her head to the side and blocked his lips. "We need to talk", her low voice spoke. Larry peeled out of his jacket and stepped out of his shoes.

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