You Are... No.42

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Author's P.O.V

"Well... Gianna Taylor and Larry Bourgeois, you are not HIV positive. You guys are perfectly health, and Ms. Taylor, you're baby is doing fine".

Gia and Larry both let out the biggest sigh of relief. Larry jumped up and hugged the doctor, on the verge of crying tears of joy. "Thank you, thank you so much Dr. Mason". "Y-your welcome sir". Laurent pulled Larry off of the doctor, due to how tight Larry was hugging him.

"I'll leave you guys to your privacy", the doctor said, excusing himself from the room. "Uh, bro, I'll be in the car". "Don't mess this up with Gia dude, choose your words wisely", Laurent whispered into Larry's ear. Larry nodded as Laurent exited the room, closing the door shut.

Larry kneeled down in front of Gia, placing his hands on both of her thighs. "Baby, I'm so sorry". "No, I'm sorry, I ruined your photoshoot and your car", Gia shook her head, looking into his eyes. Larry chuckled softly. "I don't blame you. I know I scared you, and I'm saying sorry for that. Don't you know I would never do that to you? Especially if I knew I had it?" "No. I'm sorry for thinking that Larry".

"Come here", Larry bit his lip, grabbing Gia's chin and forcing their lips together. Gia wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

They both pulled away and smiled lovingly at each other. "Let's go", Larry said, grabbing her waist and guiding them both out the door.

They checked out and walked outside, meeting Laurent in the car. He started the car up, and Gia walked to her own. Her nausea started to circle back. She held her stomach the whole car ride. She couldn't even force herself to go inside Laurent and Jessica's apartment to get LJ. Larry had to do it.


Once they had both gotten back to their own apartment, they changed into their comfortable clothes and laid in the bed together, wrapped in each others arm while LJ laid on Larry's side, admiring his tattoos and playing with the various skull rings on his fingers.

"How did the photo shoot go? You know, before I ran in", Gia laughed. "It was great. I took some nice shots". "That's good. I wish I wouldn't have ruined it". "You didn't ruin it, besides, we were wrapping it up anyways". "...Larry have I ever told you how proud I am of you". "No, but I know you are. Everything I do is to make you and LJ proud, and our future kids". "I know but", she turned to face him.

"I mean, you moved me out here, got a job right away, you made sure I was token care of, you take care of LJ, and even though you told me not to work, I still do, and... you've came so far. With you and Laurent's dancing, it's just... thank you, for always being there".

Larry smiled warmly and kissed her lips gently. "Eeeew", LJ whined. "Oh come here you little booger", Larry chuckled as he picked LJ up and placed him on his chest. "Gi-gi!" "Yes baby". He only giggled and hit her arm. "Ow, why are you tryin to beat mommy up, go hit daddy", she giggled, rubbing her arm.

LJ wiggled himself off of Larry and hit his chest. "Ay boy, ow!" LJ giggled, happy at what he had done. "You little booger, why you gotta be so rude?" "Cause he's a mommy's baby". "No, he's a daddy's boy", Larry argued. "I don't think so". "Well, both of y'all must be cause y'all call me daddy", he smirked.

Gia slapped his arm. "I don't call you daddy", Gia lied, hiding her smirk with her hand. "Oh really", Larry smirked back, pushing his hand down the covers. "Umm, we have a child present". Larry raised his eyebrows and picked LJ up.

He took him into his room, where LJ rushed to play with his toys in his mini jungle gym. Larry turned the tv on in his room, and turned it to cartoons just in case LJ got bored.

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