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Gia's P.O.V

"Gia, baby, you awake", my mom's voice softly entered my room. I opened one eye and found her standing over me. I turned over on my side to face her. "Hey, I wanna talk to you", she said. I gave her a look with my eyes that meant "speak".

"You know Gia", she sat down on my bed, taking my hand into hers. "Everybody at the school is pretty shocked at Tara's accident. The school called and asked if they may speak to you today. I told them that I would let you grieve for a few days, meaning you don't have to go to school, but I do think you should go talk to the counselor. Some kids have already went to go talk to her, and I think that she could help you through this". My eyes shot wide open, though I wasn't really sleep, but tried ever so hardly to muffle my mom's quivering voice.

"I'm not going to see a counselor. I don't need one", I said, my voice in all seriousness. "Gia, I think it would help. I mean, Tara was your best friend, and I know that you loved her, so if you love her, you'll go get the help. Tara would not want you to just lay here and cry, she would want you to be.... she would want you to be you. Gia, that's who you are. And Tara would want you to be just that. Not crying and screaming over her, she is in a better place and she's watching over you!"

I sniffled, feeling my tears build up. "Can I just please, I haven't slept at all since 11:00 last night...", my voice pleaded and shook as I begged my mom to just drop the subject. She sighed in frustration, ".....There's breakfast on the stove, if you're hungry. Umm, I'm gonna take off early, so I'll be home at around 4-ish. If you need anything, Gia, call me or Jordan. He's at work and he told me to tell you that if you didn't wanna call me, call him, ok?" I shook my head, not really caring what my mom was explaining, just trying to end the conversation fast before another started.

She kissed my forehead before stepping out of my room. I heard the front door open and close, and the sound of the garage opening. The engine of her car sounded and my eyes landed on my window, seeing that she had just pulled out.

There was a nock at my door. And the soft sound of Laurent's morning voice crept up behind me. "Hey sister, how do you feel", he shyly asked. I smiled warmly and sat up, slowly. "The truth", I asked. He shook his head. "I don't know. My emotions are just all jumbled up into one", I truthfully answered. "Did you sleep?" "No. I couldn't. I just kept thinking about Tara, and the accident". "Have you talked to her mom?" My head rose up. "Actually, no. I didn't even think to call her...", I said sadly. "Well, why don't you go by her house, ya know, see how she's doing. I know I'd be going through the most if it was my daughter". I shook my head, understanding Laurent's helpful advise. "You know what, I will", I smiled. "Thanks Lau", I thanked him. He responded back with a tight embrace hug and a warm peck to my cheek. I giggled at his actions.

He stepped out of my room and I heard his loud footsteps make their way downstairs. I proceeded to get up from the bed, going into my bathroom to freshen up. I walked in and instantly, my eyes landed on the mirror, staring at my reflection. But I realized, that I didn't like the person looking back at me.

She looked...sad and destroyed. Her eyes were puffy and swollen, teary eyed and her cheeks were stained from her crying. Her nose was red and her hair was scattered around on her head. Tears started to fall and she shook uncontrollably, unable to stop her whimper of cries. The tall figure behind her snapped me out of my hard stare as I soon realized the tall figure was Larry.

"Oh", I jumped. "It's ok, it's me", he reassured me. I turned around and my arms met his neck, my lips connected with his in a soft, loving kiss.

He pulled away, in a daze, "What was that for", he groaned against my lips. "For being there for me, even though I wasn't the nicest person afterwards". "You know that none of this is your fault Gia", he wrapped his arms around my waist. I sighed and smiled, trying hard to fight back the walls of emotions that were bound to fall any second.

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