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Before I start this chapter, I just want to say that JasminAnderson4, I hope you find all the happiness you can and find strength to keep writing. I see so many author's on Wattpad get depressed or they're going threw some things and it truly makes me sad and I just hope you can find peace and get through what you're going through... much love

"I'm not done with you bella..."

Gia's P.O.V

I stood there against the wall, not sure what to do or say next. My eyes stared back at his, and his stared back into mine full of lust, want, and desire.

"L-larry, I think I should go...". But before I could find the strength to move out of my uncomfortable and awkward position, he cupped my face and layed a soft kiss on my lips. He pulled away slowly before smirking a trailing off into the bathroom.

I held my chest, feeling my heart beat slow down a bit. I rushed out of the bedroom and into my own, closing he door shut.

"Girl you ok", Tara asked looking at me with a face of confusion. Me not knowing she was in the room, her voice made me jump. I simply just nodded my head yes, fastly walking into my closet to get ready.

Though I tried not to think about it, as I was picking out my outfit, the previous events that had just token place replayed over and over again in my head, taunting me into a guilt trip that I had no idea of how to stop.

I got my thoughts together before picking out my outfit for today and pulling my shoes out. I walked out of the closet and quickly threw on my clothes and strapped on my black sandals. I styled my hair and grabbed my purse.

Tara had just finished putting on her shoes before we both made our way downstairs to see Lau and Larry tying their shoe laces. "Ready", Tara asked. "Ready", they both said together in unison.

And with that, we all headed out yet again this weekend. And I could tell this would indeed be a pretty awkward day for me and Larry, especially me...

*47 minutes later*

We pull up to FUNPLEX, the bowling rink , and already I could tell friends from school were there. I remembered their cars from the school parking lot and instantly knew a lot of random people from school had arrived.

We exit Larry's car and get threw the parking lot, making our way into the entrance for the bowling rink. When we get inside, the lights were off, but the various neon colors of pink, purple, yellow, green, orange, red, and blue glowed into the darkness upon the walls, bowling pins, the lanes, and pretty much everything in there.

"Wow", we all said with our eyes bulging out and o's forming on our lips as our mouths were wide open. "Ay! Y'all made it", a deep voice screeched, breaking our eyes from the amazement that stood before us.

"Yo, this is awesome", Tara exclaimed looking at the Kaden. "Bro, how you do all this", Laurent asked with his eyebrows raised. "Ah come on Lau, you know ya brotha got connections", Kaden joked, nudging his arm playfully. We all shared a big laugh at his comment.

"Come on, I saved y'all a table", Kaden said. We all nodded our head and followed right behind him. He lead us  to a table that had the most brightest neon yellow, pink, and orange colors I'd ever seen. The whole scenery just had me in awe.

"Kaden, I gotta hand it to ya, this is just amazing", I expressed to him. He gave me a warm smile, "Thanks Gia, I'm glad y'all like it".

After a few  minutes of chatting with Kaden, we all decided to go get our bowling shoes and pick out our ball. I chose neon pink and cloudy mesh blue bowling ball after getting my shoes and tying them.

But before I cold start bowling with Tara, I felt my hair and noticed my clip was coming out. I grabbed my purse and dug for my comb to go fix my hair. "I'll be back, I gotta go to the restroom", I told Tara, touching her back to let her know I hadn't left yet. She nodded her head as I got up and rushed to the nearby restroom.

Luckily the restroom wasn't glow the dark, that would've been a bit weird to do while in there.

Author's P.O.V

Larry had just finished his turn to bowl, when he glanced over and saw Gia make her way across the floor and into the restroom. "Ay bro, it's your turn", he told Laurent. Laurent got up and grabbed his ball. All of their boys were making jokes about how he wasn't gonna make it, however Larry eyes were still glued onto Gia as she disappeared into the hallways.

"Man, you gon be sorry", Roy joked. Laurent laughed it off and got into position to slide his bowl down the smooth lane. Larry took this as an advantage to lie and say he had to go to the restroom too.

He got up and secretly walked off down the hall where the restrooms were located. But instead of going into the men's, he turned the knob for the ladies and slowly pushed the door open, making sure to look around for anyone before entering.

When he was inside, he closed the door lightly, making sure to lock it. He then saw Gia busy combing through her hair. He crept up behind her, which made her jump and drop her clip and pen.

"God Larry! You sacred the shit out of me!" Before she could get anything else out, she quickly noticed Larry was in the wrong room, and it made her uneasy. "This is the WOMEN'S restroom, what the fuck are you doing in here?!" Larry grabbed her waist and pushed her on top of counter, refusing to answer her question.

"I just couldn't resist Gia, and then you wear them shorts today... you look so sexy", Larry admitted. He started to kiss and suck lightly all around her neck. And Gia couldn't help but release the moan that had been caught in her throat.

She hissed between her teeth in pleasure as he bit on her earlobe. "Larry-ahh, stop...", she managed to get out, but moaned in the process. "No", he said back sternly. He suddenly gripped her lower back and pulled her off of the counter and pushed them back into a stall.

"Larry put me down!" "Shh", he told her. He grabbed her legs hard, making her hop up and wrap her legs around his torso.

Larry held a tight grip around her, though she tried to escape from the tight grip that grew around her waist. He pierced her eyes with lust and desire as the hardness in his jeans grew more and more. He needed Gia really bad, but Gia wasn't sure if she wanted the same thing.

"Gia, please baby, let do you right now", he groaned into her ear. Gia moaned and an instant pool came to her panties that Larry felt surface on his stomach. "Mmm, baby I made you so wet, just let me fuck you right now", he groaned again, this time grinding and dry humping her through her shorts.

Gia could feel her breath get short and quick as Larry grabbed onto the stall wall and humped her up and down, making a wet stain through her shorts as Larry rubbed his hardness into her.

"Ahh, god Larry-ahh", she moaned out he pushed harder into her shorts, going faster every time.

"You like that-uhh", he growled.

He stopped dry humping her on the wall, and easily pulled her shorts down, watching as some of her juices slid down her leg.

Update finished! Ok so, I want you guys to tell me. Do you want Gia to lose her virginity right now? Or do you want Larry to just do oral and play with her(If you now what I mean *wink wink* lol)? Tell me which one and on the next chapter, you'll see what takes place.

Hit that vote button and feel free to comment your positive thoughts!<3<3



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