Gia... Meet Tara, Again pt2 No.24

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*Later that night*

Author's P.O.V

Gia made her way out of the double doors of the hotel and found herself wondering around the staff parking lot after completing mission impossible of jumping over fences to get there. Her hair blew in the warm night wind as the small pitter patter of her feet hit the concrete. "Tara" she whispered. "Over here", a voice whispered back. Gia looked around until she saw a hand wave in their direction, gesturing for her to come closer.

"Hi Gia", Tara smiled. Gia kneelt down slowly and put her back against the car they hid behind. "Can I explain my-" "Yes! Please do! Because for some odd reason, you think everything is just peachy!" Tara was a bit token back by Gia's sudden outburst, but understood she was also right. "Gia I-" "No, don't Gia me! How could you", Gia cried. "I never meant-" "You don't ever mean to do anything Tara! You just do it! I cant believe you let me go around thinking you were dead! I mourned you!" "I know, I know that...-" "I grieved you Tara! I grieved for so long! How could you do that to me, y-you parents?!" Gia went on with her rant, screaming through her tears and not letting Tara even utter 7 words, caused by Gia constantly cutting her off.

"Gia! Please, just let me explain!" Gia folded her arms across her chest, indicating that she was done talking and ready to hear Tara's side of the story. "...There are a lot of things I can't tell you. But, one thing I can tell you is that you're not safe. There are people who are looking for you, and they won't stop until they get you." "What does that have to do with you", Gia raised her eyebrows. "I can't tell you that", Tara shook her head. "Why not! We don't keep secrets, but apparently it appears you've been doing that a lot lately!" "I just can't tell you! I'm sorry... I can't!" "Tara", Gia quivered, "I'm begging you, please just tell me the truth!" "I-I've said too much already", Tara stood up. Gia popped up quickly from the ground, ready to scream again but this time, Tara cut her off. "I know it hurts... I know you've missed me, and I know you don't want me to go, but you're not safe around me anymore Gia...".

Tara pulled her hoodie over her head and walked towards the parking lot gates. She turned around, her face covered in seriousness. "Just be careful Gia", she warned. "What do you mean be careful", Gia scrunched her face, her tears becoming overwhelming for her as every word came out as a quiver. "Be careful who you trust".

And with that, she pushed the gates open. She walked away, her air blowing in the wind as she took one last step out, leaving Gia standing in the dark alone. When she could no longer hear Tara's foot steps running away, she dried her eyes and walked back to the front of the hotel, going up to her suite.


*Next day*

Gia's P.O.V

Today was exhausting, with a capital e. My mom made Jessica and me go with her to all these different card shops so we could make invitations for the wedding, and she didn't just stop at 2 or 3, but 7! She wanted 'the perfect ones'. And since her favorite colors are lavender and blue, the cards had to be lavender and blue! Then, she had to go pick up her dress that she had made here. And I must say it was the most excitable stop we had made all day out of the 4. The dress was absolutely beautiful and brought out my mom's awesome caramel skin tone. After the dress stop, we went to look for some shoes, which was a bit of a struggle considering how my mom needs everything from head to toe 'on point'. Lastly, we met up with my mom's planner. Me and Jessica helped with the invitation cards while my mom discussed the necessary needs that needed to be done for the wedding with the planner.

"So, you and Lau are doing pretty good", I said as I grabbed another card and wrote the words out in black ink. Jessica smiled widely, blushing really hard. "Yea, he's a sweetie", she giggled. "Do you guys always... you know...", I smirked. "Not all the time, but yea", she answered. "Really? ...Does it hurt", I asked curiously. "Not really, at first it does, but after a while it starts to feel good. I remember one time we did it in the supply closet at school", she laughed. My jaw dropped as a smiled crept onto my face, warning myself that I was about to laugh. And I did. My mom looked at us weirdly as we sat at the table continuing the constant rotation of grabbing a card then writing on it and laughing like maniacs. But little did she know what we were really giggling about *smirk*.

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