The Break-Up pt.1 No.33

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Author's P.O.V

Melissa's blood boiled as she rushed through the park, dragging Sarah by only her wrists. Gia, on the other side of the park, was busy feeding Larry grapes, giggling and paying no attention to what was coming her way.

Somebody cleared their throat, making it know someone was there. Larry looked up, and his jaw clenched at the sight before him. His muscles felt as if they'd contracted together, and his eyes had gone from the twinkling brown color they were to dark-night black.

"Oh hey Melissa, what're you doing here", Gia greeted Melissa. "I could ask you the same thing", she rolled her eyes. "I'm here with Larry". "Why are you here with him?" "He's my boyfriend... Melissa I told you that." "Really? Boyfriend? He didn't say anything about a girlfriend when he was fucking me 3 days ago", Melissa smirked.

Gia's smile had faded and her head snapped directly at Larry. Melissa smiled, knowing what she'd said had pissed Gia off to the max.

"What?!" "Baby, she lyin-" "Oh, so I'm a liar now?! You wasn't sayin that either when you was eatin my pussy out!" Gia's eyes had never been so wide. She could feel the heat rising up in her, and at that point, there was no controlling it.

"Larry, what the fuck is she talkin about?" "I don't know I-" "Don't lie Larry. You remember exactly what happened", Melissa added in. "Larry, what happened?!"

Larry stayed quite, he didn't udder a sound. "So you don't remember... calling my phone, telling me Gia was arguing with you and you were tired of hearing her fuss, you came over to my house, you pushed me up against the wall, you got me naked, you took me up to my room and you fucked me for 5 rounds straight". "Melissa, what the hell?!" "Oh Gia, he didn't tell you", she smirked again.

"Gia I can explain-" "Explain what Larry?! You can explain that you fucked my friend behind my back?!" "Baby look-" "Is she the one you had sex with when you got drunk, and then you fucked her on my bed?" "...Yea", he whispered, looking away from the two women.

"Oh hell no", Gia stood up, swinging her arm back punching Melissa right in the face, almost cracking her nose.

Gia grabbed her hair and started to attack her face with kicks, slaps, punches, scratches, anywhere he hands desired to go, landed powerful blows to Melissa's face.

"Wait! Let her go", Sarah yelled, pulling Melissa out from underneath Gia, while Larry grabbed Gia's waist, pulling her off. "Get the fuck off of me", she shouted at Larry. "Gia! Calm yo ass down!" "Hell no! This bitch got me fucked up", Melissa screamed, struggling to get away from Sarah's tight hold. "Hoe, who the fuck you callin a bitch?! I'm bout to fuck yo ass up!"

Gia had surprisingly wiggled out of Larry's grip and lunged over to Melissa, grabbing her shirt and swinging her to the ground. Though Melissa had put up quiet the fight, Gia was much stronger than her. Gia delivered multiple jabs and swings to her face, elbowing her in the stomach in the process while she was on top.

In just a matter of seconds, Gia was pulled yet again off of Melissa. Her hair was scattered over her face and her breathing was quick and hitched. "Let go of me", Gia pushed Larry's hands off of her stomach. "Give me my son", she yelled, running over to her crying son. "It's ok baby, mommy's here, shhh", she placed him in her arms, kissing his head as she pulled her purse up on her shoulder.

She sniffled and turned around, her eyes burning a death glare in both Larry and Melissa's eyes. "This", she pointed to her ring finger on her right hand, "You can have it, I never wanted it", her voice quivered as she pulled the gold and silver ring off of her shaking finger and threw to the ground, next to Larry's feet. Her promise ring now removed, making Larry's body to clench as he fought back his tears.

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