I Forgive You No.39

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Gia's P.O.V

*Next Day*

"Tara, just please, go away and don't come back until you know you're ok. You can't just be popping up like that. Call or text me, just stay away".

"I know Gia. I think this hospital will help. I know I need to go and I know that it's for the best... I know that I've caused you a lot of pain, trust me I know, and I know that it's hard to just stand here and hold a conversation with me... but could you ever forgive me?"

"I shouldn't... but I know if I that forgiveness isn't for the other person, it's for yourself... so yes, I forgive you".

"Remember what I told you about Jordan, Gia. He's bad news, you need to get your mom away from him, and do it fast."

Tara gripped her suitcase and the other bag  in her hands and pulled her hoodie over her head. She turned around, now no longer facing me. Her boots hit the floor as she walked up the long flight of steps towards the hospital.

"God, please help her", I thought to myself as I hopped back in my truck. I started my car up, but couldn't force myself to pull out of the parking space.

Tara told me she was sick. And that she needed help. I just wish she wouldn't have did the things she did. I would've helped her. I tried. I guess this is for the best, like she said. I want her to get the help she needs and come out a new woman. Not the person she was before. I miss the old Tara. I want her back and I hope that once she's out of this mental hospital, she'll be back to normal.


Author's P.O.V

*At home*

"Hey, I wanna tell you something". "Me to". "Ok, you go first", Larry chuckled. "Well...I...I just want... well I don't know how to say it". "What is it baby?" "I want a clean start. No lies, no drama, no arguing, no fighting, no Melissa, and sneaking around. I want us again Larry. I love you and I want you to stay. You mean so much to me and I can't let what we have go."

Larry blushed, embarrassed at Gia's heart felt words. He grabbed her chin and kissed her lips. She giggled as his facial hair rubbed her chin. "Now, you tell me your news". "Well Simon's sister is having her birthday dinner at the new restaurant I've been wanting to go too. He invited me, you, my brother and Jessica to come. I was wondering if you wanted to go and be my date?"

"Be your date?" "I want you on my arm when we walk in, so I can let everybody know you're the only girl in my life."

Gia smiled widely, her eyes starring back into his lovely. "Is that a yes?" "Yes!" Gia jumped on him, attacking his faces with kisses.

"Ok, ok, you tryna kill daddy, huh?" "Oh whatever", she smacked his chest playfully. "Who told you your name was daddy", she smirked. "You did", he whispered.

Gia shook her head as she unwrapped her legs from around him and hopped down. "I have to go and help Lau find something to were, are you gonna be ok?" "Yea. Jessica's on her way here anyways". "Ok, well, I'll see you when I get back".

He grabbed his keys and gave Gia one last long kiss before he left. Jessica soon arrived not to long after Larry had driven off.

Gia heard a knock at the door and knew it was Jessica. She opened the door, and there Jessica stood... a sad expression on her face as she entered the apartment.

"Hey, what's wrong", Gia asked, rubbing Jessica's back as she walked them into the living room. She sat Jessica down before she sat down next to her, still trying her best to comfort her friend.

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