Gia & Tara... Reunited No.38

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Author's P.O.V

*3 hours later*

"I cannot believe I'm doing this", Gia thought to herself as she pulled open the glass door. Her boots hit the hardwood floor and various smells of desserts and pastries filled her nose.

She had agreed to this, but she didn't like it. She had made a deal with the devil himself... only he was in the shape of a woman.

She spotted her, she took a deep breath, walking over to her with quivering and shaking legs carrying her. She walked around and took a seat at the booth... across from her.

"Long time, no see", she giggled. Gia stayed quiet, staring deep into her brown eyes. "What's stopping me from coming across this table and ripping your damn head off", Gia grimly said, leaning back and folding her arms across her chest.

"Well, you wouldn't want to do that, especially to your best friend", Tara smirked.

Gia scoffed, "Bestfriend? You must've hit a palm tree and a cocoanut must've fallen on your head if you think you even have the right to say that title!"

"Why so loud Gia, we don't wanna disturb others", she calmly stated, still smirking.

Gia knew she was trying to get under her skin, and the tension between the two couldn't get any thicker. They both were trying to push each others buttons, and they knew just the right buttons to push for the other to pop off and things might happen.

"I'm going to give you to the count of 3 to tell me why the fuck you wanted to see me", Gia slowly said, leaning in closer, intimidating Tara with her stare once again.

"Gia I"


"I need"


"Wait Gia I"


"Ok, ok! Wait! I need your help!"

Gia looked as if she'd seen a ghost. "Is she really asking for my help", she thought. She leaned back again, awaiting her answer.

"I need your help Gia, please".

"Tara, what're you taking about", Gia sighed, rubbing her temples.

"I'm sick, just like you said", she whispered.

"How sick?"

"Sometimes, I black out for no reason, and I wonder around. Sometimes it only lasts for a few minutes other times it'll last for an hour, a day... sometimes a week. I do bad things that I don't wanna do. It's like, there are voices in my head, and I can't control them. ...Gia, I don't want to do these bad things anymore, but I can't stop".

Gia's face softened, noticing Tara had started to cry. She took a deep breath, trying to process what she had just told her, and what she was going to say that would help her situation.

"D you mean you need a therapist?"


"...Mental institute?"

Tara's eyes widened, showing her red and teary eyes. She started to shake uncontrollably. The thought of it made her sick to her stomach. She repeated the words over and over again in her head, not being able to really understand them.

"Tara, I think a psychiatric ward could help", Gia said, looking into her eyes and grabbing her hand. "I think you should consider it".

"What if it doesn't help", Tara asked, hanging her head.

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