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Authors P.O.V
*2 months later*

( in the media, just picture Larry with those pants on backwards)
-chapter is un-edited, will be fixed soon

"LJ, baby please keep away from that tree", Gia sighed, becoming alert and frantic with worry. "Mommy" he squealed. "LJ, your gonna hurt yourself!" He only giggled some more. "LJ!"

"Gia, what the fuck, stop yelling at him!" "He nearly fell over the tree!" "Well go and get him from it, as if he's suppose to really understand you!" "How about you get up and grab him!" "You know what, fuck this!"

Larry grabbed his phone and keys and stormed out the house, slamming the door. Gia screamed out in frustration, bending over the kitchen counter and crying out her pain. Her tears dripped from her cheeks, to her chin, hitting her chest.

"Mommy's so sorry baby", she walked over to LJ and picked him up, kissing his forehead. He rested his head on her shoulder and gently rubbed his hands on her back, almost as if he were trying to comfort her. Gia giggled at his attempt.

Gia made her way upstairs, putting LJ in his room so that he could play with his toys. She dried her eyes with the sleeve of her shirt as she walked into her room. She sat down on the bed, fighting back the tears that seemed to have come back.

All the while, Larry was still outside in his car, his hands gripping the steering wheel until his knuckles nearly turned white. He let out a big sigh before he got out of the car he attempted to drive off in and walked back into the apartment.

He knew Gia was upstairs, he could here her sniffles. He instantly started to feel bad. He shouldn't have yelled at her, knowing she had been stressed enough already. He started thinking of things to say to her as he came up the stairs.

He had reached their room and his heart broke into millions of little pieces. Gia was sprawled out on the bed, holding her stomach while she silently wept. His jaw clenched, he was mad at himself for what he did. He knew he was the cause of her crying.

He stepped out of his shoes and peeled out of  jacket. He climbed into the bed, scooting next to her. "Go away", her voice spoke, broken and raspy. He wrapped his long arms around her waist and pulled her closer, not planning on letting go no matter what she said.

"I'm sorry baby, I shouldn't have yelled at you like that and then walked out." Gia sniffled and turned around on her side to see his face, admiring how his smooth caramel skin tone complimented his eyes. She leaned in and pressed her lips on his.

"I didn't mean to yell at LJ, it's just... I'm so cautious and worried now... every little thing that he does worries me. And I keep thinking about that accident... he could've died Larry". "I know baby, I know. I worry too. But, you gotta stop worrying yourself. You're already stressed out. LJ's fine. I never wanna think about what if he died, because I know wouldn't have been able to live with myself. But I know he's ok and I trust God won't take him from us so soon, you gotta trust and believe that too bae">

Gia shook her head as Larry whipped the tears from her cheeks. "I love you", she said, pocking out her lips. Larry chuckled. "I love you more", he kissed her lips.


Larry's P.O.V

I've been having this weird feeling 'down there'. Not like and arousal feeling or me getting hard, but it hurts. Actually, I've been having this problem for about a week now, I've just been to embarrassed to talk to Gia about it.

While she was cooking dinner, I texted my brother to see if he was home. He has the same genitals as me so I'm more than sure he can help me. I tied my shoes laces and grabbed my car keys and phone. I kissed LJ on his cheek and went into the kitchen.

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