Chapter 1

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Kai Kaylani Carter POV

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Kai Kaylani Carter POV

No one said becoming an adult was easy especially just being shy of 24 years old and graduating college with an Associates Degree in Tourism Management and also attending flight attendant training and completing that as well.

I'm currently working with American Airlines as a senior flight attendant. I absolutely love interacting with new people on my flights and also seeing new places as I'm getting paid to do so.

I'm really the adventure type person as I love exploring and doing exciting things. I stand at 5'7 and I'm a light mocha complexion mixed with Spanish and black, with a hint of Chinese. I'm the last of 3 children.

My mother has 2 girls and my father has us as well as a son from a previous relationship. I've never met him and my parents speak very little about him and his mother. My father and my mom aren't together, after all the years of being drunk and abusive towards my mother, he left when I was around 8 years old.

I presently live in my two bed and bath condo which is located at Westmoorings, Trinidad. It over looks the ocean, the city and the beautiful hills.

I travel a lot so i don't spend much time with my mom and sister as I would like, but when I do come home, it's an amazing family time. I don't have much friends, only a hand full of girlfriends I met through my job.

Its Sunday and I try my best to make it out to my moms house for that good ole' Sunday lunch. As I pulled into her driver way in my car, I saw my nephew running around in the yard chasing the dog. Before I could even lock my doors, my ears were filled with him singing 'tete, tete ' as his little feet will allow him to run towards me. I was down on one knee waiting for Xavier in open arms.

"I missed my little snuggle buddy," I exclaimed while kissing him all over his chubby face.

He's absolutely the highlight of me always returning home from my work trips.

He was giggling and kicking around as I tickled him."I miss you toooooo," he squealed while planting a kiss on my cheek.

"OK ok that's enough. Now give me my Lil sissy," my sister said while walking over to me.

"Dammmmm you look like you're about to pop like a dam balloon, standing there looking like you been eating EVERYTHING in sight" I said as she stood there mugging the hell out of me with a hand on her protruding stomach.

"uhhh OK! Kevin Hart tryna crack jokes on me" she said towards with me in a sad tone.

I laughed "damm Taty you ain't gotta take it to heart" I pouted.

She smacked her lips and walked off as I scooped Xavier up as we all went into the house.

I was greeted by my mother, Isabella Maríe López who stood at 4'5 with long thick curly black hair that reached the mid of her back. She hugged me and spoke to me her heavy Spanish accent.

"I missed you so much!! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever. I know that you be in the country, but why you don't come and check ur mádre ?" She exclaimed to me with a concern look.

I sighed and let Xavier down as he ran to my sister. "Mama! I'm sorry. I-I just be tired when I do get off work. I promise I'll come and visit more often."

She looked at me and smiled before turning to my sister and telling both of us to go ahead out on the deck for lunch.

After having lunch, we were all in the backyard relaxing and catching up. My sister, is 7months pregnant and still eating. I mean, we jus ate an half an hour ago and she's munching down HARD on that macaroni pie my moms had made.

"Tattttyyy!! What's going on wit Xavier's father?" I questioned her with a curious look on my face.

She playfully rolled her eyes and said " Chris is Chris" she giggled like a school girl.

"so why you didn't invite him? you know I like him more than I like being around you" I laughed as I tried to give her a straight face.

I love my sister but I still don't understand why Chris is even with her. He's so cool ad adventurous and he's with her stuck up ass. I mean I admire thier relationship, opposites do attract, I mean, he loves her. They got Xavier and a little one on the way and they been through hell and back with each other but I also have zero say as I am single.

I was snapped out my thoughts when she said he went zipp lining with his friends today and it was obvious she couldn't partake in such an activity and that she rather spend time with her sister instead.

"Man that sounds cool. You tryna get on when you put down mini me?" I joked but was serious as I do believe she was having a baby girl.

"Yassss!! I want to zipp line to but ain't nobody making no mini YOU. Shiiittt!! You're enough for this world" we both laughed which was so true.

I gave my mother sooooo much hell growing up and it got worst when I was in my teen years.

A couple hours had passed and it was time for us to head out. I said my good byes to my mother as Tatty and I walked out to the drive way with baby X in my arms. He's only 5 years old but will forever be my baby as he was the one that made me an Aunty. As I was about to hand him over to my sister he hugged me tighter and asked me if he can stay with me.

"its fine with me if its okay with you?" Tatty turned to look at me already knowing her son wanted to spend the night with me.

"I mean I'm leaving tomorrow at mid night to Miami and I won't be back until, hmm next Friday, so yeah I wanna spend some time with my favorite man in the woorrllllldddd" I said kissing X's cheeks.

"Good cause myself and Chris need some alone time for ourselves" Taty said while she smirked at me.

I shook my head and said "nasty assessss! I'll meet you at your house to get his things" she nodded as we got in our cars to leave for her house to have an amazing Aunty and nephew night.

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