Chapter 26

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Make Trees Take
Deeper Roots


"Aye Aye" someone while interrupted my sleep.

"Ayyyyyyyyeeee" I was shaked lightly.

"Get yo heavy ass up" They yelled.

I felt the bed dip followed by the sound of soft movement. My eyes fluttered with the sight Kai walking into the bathroom.

"Your ass better be out that dam bed" She spat.

I mumbled something that I myself couldn't even make out, while I sucked my teeth.

"I done told your ass about sucking your 32's" She said while washing her mouth.

I sat up in the bed looking around for my clothes. Last night was a bit interesting if I say so myself.

"This is not a bed and breakfast. Get your clothes on, I need to talk to u when I get out this shower" She closed the bathroom door and locking.

I sighed heavily while rubbing my hand over my face. I got dress and sat on the bed watching TV waiting for her. After awhile, I heard the door open and Kai appeared dressed in some black bandanna joggers, see through heels and a green crop HUF sweatshirt. I stood to my feet.

"And where think u going?"

"Out" She spat.

'Looking like-"

She had her hand up.

"Nope. You are in no position to be questioning me about nothing. Don't let what happen last night get shit twisted in your cerebrum" she mushed my head.

"Aye blo-"

"Nope no. no. Your not allowed to speak. Your gonna stand there and listen to what I have to say, whether u like it or not ."

I nodded my head. She ain't yelling or nothing, but her being calm is freaking me out.

"How in the hell could u do something like that? yet alone, with my best friend. You claim y'all were 'drunk' yet y'all had the sense to remember what the hell happened. I understand she's a lil hoe, giving the pussy out like it's a thanks giving. Suppose you caught something from her huh? And to top that shit off, y'all wanna sit and stare me in my dam eye- Oh shit that's why u wanted me to sit where I did for the lunch. It explains why u BOTH were silent the whole time. That's why Slim was looking at you like that. Ohhhhhhhhh.. That's some messed up stuff Keenon. Like, after I told u all the what I've been through. I literally been to hell and back JUST to be in the same situation I'm in at this very moment." She said.

I sighed and began to sit down on the couch.

"Oh no no. Stand your ass up when I'm speaking to u" She huffed.

"Kai I told you I was-"

"Sorry. Yeah I heard you but sorry can't buy a pack of curry. It's not helping me with how hurt I am. My boyfriend had sexual relations with my best friend. I guess if it was some random chick I would have cussed ur ass out and MANY we could come back from that. I can't believe you had the gut to sleep with my best friend, drunk or not. Like, drunk, sober, high, low i don't care, but the fact that it's my BEST FRIEND, that's a low blow" She sighed.

"I didn't mean to do it, we just left the klub drunk and I helped her up to her room and everything just happened from there" I said.

"And then you came from her room that same morning when u came out the bathroom right?" She asked.

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