Chapter 37

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She say she like how it feel, when a gangster fuck she.

*Dena POV*

I ran the same finger up his body, over his chest and across his neck and then turned towards the bed. He listened to me as I walked away. I slid my underwear down my legs and the covers rustle as I laid on them, shuffling closer to him.

I'm sure he heard his pulse quicken in his ears. I'm positive he wanted me and I'm sure he knew it. I was not about to allow it. Not yet.

I positioned myself as close to the foot of the bed as possible, propping myself up with pillows beneath my shoulders so I could watch him struggle to watch me.

A/N: Y'all really want me to continue?? Sure?? No? Yes? Uh.. Uh... Okay

His frustration was my pornography, and I was going to tease him until he could bear it no longer, and then more.

I opened my legs wide, resting a foot in each corner of the bed. If he had been able to see, the explicitness would have taken his breath away. He heard the unmistakable sound of skin moving over skin and my breath deepening as I began to explore my body in front of him. His body stiffened in response, his arousal obvious through the wool of his pants.

I moaned as I ran my fingertip over and around my....

*Kai POV*

"None of y'all wash and comb my hair so stop with the popcorn throwing" I yelled.

They all watched me, laughed and continued throwing any and everything in sight.

"Y'all are like children" I said while standing to my feet.

As I attempted to walk away, I felt a bare of arms wrapped around my waist lifting me up, then placed me on my back on the ground. I was being tickled while it rained popcorn.

"Oh. Stop. Stop. Please. Ha. G. Stooohhh" I laughed in between my words.

"Na blood you gon play with us" I heard him say.

"Yeaaa. Come on Kaiii" I heard Leya whined while Goofy just laughed.

"Ok. Ok. Will. You. Stop. If. I. Do." I said.

"Yeah blood" He still tickled me.

"Yes. Yes. Yessssss" I yelled while nodding my head.

"Imma get y'all" I grabbed a pillow while chasing after them.

"Oh shit" Goofy said as he trip and fell.

I jumped on his back and started hitting him with the pillow. In the middle of doing that, I felt a stinging lash and then I fell on my side. I looked him to see Leya about to hit me, just when her hand was above her head I pulled her leg making her fall on her back. Thank God for those thick carpets on the floor. I thought.

"Yo wait. Its four of us. Two on two right?" Goofy asked as G appeared from behind the couch.

"Yeah blood" G agreed.

"Okaayy. Girls vs boys" Leya smiled.

"Deal" Goofy said.

Everyone grabbed as much pillows as they can. I hid behind the couch along with Leya as the guys ran to the bedroom.

"Girl lets go get their asses" Leya suggested.

I nodded as I followed right behind her. In the middle of the room we were, and the lights cut off.

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