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We're here, it's finally here the end of The Island Girl. I just want to thank everyone who liked and commented through this book. I know the book just ended with NO warning, I'm very sorry but it was time for it to just end. I didn't intend on it ending that way but everything just took it's own course. For the friends that I've made while on this journey, I'm thankful. This book needs major editing, but I'm just a girl from a small island just writing, bare with me.

My honest opinion I don't think Kai should be with YG, but we won't know now, would we? We won't know if Cam would want revenge and come after Tee's crip ass. We won't know.

Maybe Dena and Slim might get together and work it out or finds Marie and get with her, we won't know. Leya and Goofy might get married and have a street load of kids, we won't know.  Y'all don't understand that WE WON'T KNOW these things all because I just wanted to end the book.

I'm sorry.

Tee and Becca mightn't make it as a couple, he might cheat on her and end up with his head cut off. We won't know. YG could be a daddy. We not sure if Milan knows who the father is.

But enough of the 'What if's' of what could have happened if Britney had continued the book, but Noooooooooo she didn't want to.

"We don't like you Britneeyyyy" Random person shouts.

*Heart slowly cracks*

Anywhooossss. The Island Girl is my baby, I hold it near to my heart please don't hate me but I also have other books in my draft collecting dust, one is on a Harlem Teen which is based on a TRUE story. Yes it is true, the story line is true as well as the events. The crime, the drugs all that is in there. More of that would be posted at the end of December and the book is coming out next year. Yayy!!  

"Britney we still don't like you" Random person yells.

*broken pieces fall apart*

YG and his boys, along with Kai and her girls are living off of your 'What ifs' and above is basically what could have happened if I continued the book which is why I bring to you

Wait for it

Wait for it

Wait for it


*Drum roll*

The Island Girl's New Beginning.

Yes book dose I could not left y'all hanging like that. Book 2 to The Island Girl series, yes, yes, yes, your welcome. Y'all love me I know.

Boom, boom, boom BOOM

Chapter 1 would be posted before the day falls.

LOVE  Y'ALL !!!!

The Island Girl Book 1 || YG400 [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now