Chapter 35

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You lucky if my mean ass likes you...

*Becca POV*

"That shit hurt" Dena whined as she got hit in her head with a volley ball.

The guys started laughing at her. It was really funny actually, we were playing volley ball girls vs the boys and so far we were winning but the guys were just playing wild. Goofy hit the ball making it bounce over the net which made Leya hit it over, making G hit to Tee and then it came over and hit Dena directly to the middle of her head making her fall flat on her butt.

"That's for all that shit you was talking blood" G laughed.

"Makes no sense y'all continue we gonna win anywayyys" Tee shrugged.

"And makes you think that huh?" Leya crossed her arms.

"I just know" He threw his hands up.

"Well if you 'just know' then lets make it interesting" Kai suggested.

"What you got in mind blood?" Slim asked.

I looked at Kai as she piked her cheek with her tongue.

"Lets make a bet" She said.

"Oh hell yeah nigga we bout to win us some dinero" Slim rubbed his hands together.

Kai held her hand up "Nope ain't no money. I did say we're gonna make it interesting"

She had a evil smirk on her face, while Dena and Leya chuckled lowly.

"What you want blood?" G asked.

"If we win, y'all gotta talk like normal people no gang bangin shit for a week until Dena and Leya leave" Kai said.

"Oh well hell yeah" Tee said while the guys mugged him.

"Oh you gon be talking like a blood" Kai smiled.

"Oh heeellll naw" Tee yelled.

"Whats wrong I thought y'all was gonna win" I said in a baby voice.

"Hell yeah we gon win" Slim said.

"If we win" G trailed with his finger on his chin.

"Mmmhh" Kai hummed.

"No makeup for the week" G smiled.

"Deal" Kai said while shaking his hand.

After our, not so friendly match of volley ball, we all footed it back to the villa.

"Ayo Bl" G said while Kai looked at him. "Slim" He finishes.

"What man" Slim spatted.

"It's nice to see y'all holding your ends of the bet boys" Kai smiled while we laughed.

"Tee you haven't said anything since the beach" I said.

"Oh cat got someones tongue, all the spit you was spitting now you on mute" Dena added.

Tee jus looked at all of us not saying a word.

"So, your no longer Teecee your now Teebee" Leya laughed.

I laughed "That sounds like some cartoon character"

"What times our flight again?" Dena questioned.

"Its at 3" Kai said.

"3 what? 3 hours from now?" Dena said shocked.

"3 in the morning girl" Leya said.

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