Chapter 47

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I can drink a
whole Hennessy
fifth. Some
call that a
problem, but I
call it a gift.


I was sleeping when occasionally I'll hear lite whispers and voices. I wasn't sure if I was dreaming or not. It was more of, I'm halfway asleep yet still halfway awake.

"Kai get up" I heard a soft whisper along with a shake.

"Its your birthday you need to get up" they said.

I'll stir in my sleep while mumbling a few unexplainable words.

"Aye yo get up" they yelled as I jumped right out of my sleep.

"Yo urgh what happen" I groaned while rubbing my eyes.

As my vision adjusted, I finally saw who woke me up.

"You must not like your life huh b?" I said.

She laughed "I do but bitch its your birthday you don't need to sleep you can do that tomorrow"

"Whatever" I groaned " I'm going back and sleep" I pulled the sheet over my head.

I felt it flew right off of my body. Dena must have a dead wish. Anybody who knows me know very well that I'm not a morning person. Don't wake me up just let me get up on my own and we would be fine.

"Its my Bestfriend birthday" she sang while I sat up on the verge of cursing her out.

You can do this shit around midday which is all well and good, but not at seven in the dam morning, on my day off which is also my birthday. From her yelling so much, my head started to hurt and if things couldn't gotten any worst, Leya and Becca walked in with a cupcake with a lit candle stick right in the center.

"Happy birthday to you" They sang.

"Bitch" Dena sang.

"Happy birthday to you"

"Bitch" I rolled my eyes.

"Happy birthday dear-"


"Happy birthday to you" they cheered.

I side eyed Dena before I blew the candle out.

"Bitch" She yelled as I blew it out.

"Thanks you guys but can I sleep?" I whined.

"Oh no no no we have a long day ahead off us" Leya assured.

"Nope. I'm going to sleep. Y'all have a long day ahead off y'all"

"Come on Kai get up and get dress" Becca pulled on my foot.

"This isn't normal you know and how did y'all get into my room?" I raised a brow.

I know damn well they didn't break into this hotel.

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