Chapter 27

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are the ones we drink

*Kai POV*
At Dinner

Becca decided on Chinese. I have no idea whats up with this girl and her Chinese, but I'm not complaining. As long as I don't eat dog, I'm all well and fine. As we sat, our waiter took our drink orders.

"How are u feeling?" She asked me while taking a sip of her drink.

I'm exhausted, I'm tired of picking the wrong guys and getting fucked over. I'm just done with it all. I just can't seem to find happiness. To sum that all up,

"I'm fine, you?" I looked at the menu.

"I'm fine like wine, I'm about to eat, call that FINE dinning" She laughed.

"Girl your crazy" I smiled.

There was a comfortable silents until she broke it.

"So if you can live anywhere in the world, where would it be?" She asked.

"Ummm." I swayed in my seat like a 5 year old. "I never really thought about it, I guess it's because of my work I've never put thought in to it"

"Yea but if today or tomorrow you get a call saying you can live ANY where in the world and you have less than 5 minutes to think about it." She argued.

"What about you" I twisted my lip.

"Belgium" She said in a duh tone.

"And why?" I asked.

"For the chocolate chile" She scrunched her face up, which made me laugh.

"You will get tired of all that"

"Nope. Imma live in a chocolate house, wear chocolate clothes and eat it all day" She squealed.

I laughed.

"It's been my dream since I was a kid" She chuckled "I'm sure you had a dream country"

"It was always my dream to come to Cali but I'm here now so I guess I'll pick, New Zealand"

She sucked her teeth "You leaving the country where u can leave a state when it's too hot and come back when it's too cold, ALL on the same soil for New Zealand"

"I mean, 5% of their population is human" I winked.

"I see what u did there" She laughed while pointing at me.

"I mean" I sipped some of my sprite and leaned back.

"I get fed up of being around people a lot, I like being alone. In my own world, I don't talk much but when I do I can't stop" I laughed.

"Yeah I feel what you saying." She agreed.

"I just what to, lay back, listen to some music or read a book and just drift off"

Our waiter came with our food and sat them down.

"Xièxiè"I said to the waiter.

"Bié kèqì" He replied with a smile before walking away.

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