Chapter 23

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Its dreadful what little
things lead people to
each other.


"Ohhh Kai and G, K.I.S.S.I.N.G. a nigga in love" Goofy chooed.

"Man and the sex man u know we gotta know" Tee said.

I sucked my teeth "She ain't no hoe so I don't gotta discuss nothing with y'all"

"But G, it's less than 5 months and u got it my nigga u won the bet" Tee shoved a couple chips in his mouth.

"Nigga shut yo ass up" Slim threw a pillow at him "But G that night after the klub in Hawaii I saw u on my floor man"

"Man I fucked up." I exhaled.

"What yo stupid ass do now blood?" Goofy asked.

"After the klub in Hawaii I made my way back to the Hotel. I was drunk and Milan was drunk and we fucked."

"Nigga!! Kai bestfriend." Tee questioned.

"Man she gon kill yo ass for sure" Goofy said.

" I saw your ass creeping my nigga." Slim said.

"Nigga u saw me" I asked him while he nodded yes.

"Better start digging your grave my nigga. It was nice knowing u" Goofy tried to dap me.

"Man that shit was a mistake. I was drunk and so was she"

I heard the door open but I didn't pay it any mind, until I saw them looking in the doors direction and paused the game.

"What the fuck y'all- Kai" I said shocked.

She stood there with a blank expression on her face. She looked drained, even lifeless.

"Really Keenon" She said. She looked, angry but hurt at the same time.

"How much u heard blood?" I asked.

"You fucked my best friend AND u placed a bet on my pussy." She closed her eyes "your mother wants you to run to the store and get some stuff for her" and with that, she turned on her heel and left just as fast as she appeared.

I sighed and wiped my hand over my face jogging right after her.

"Kai. Yo Kai Hol up" I yelled while running after her. I caught up to her and grabbed her wrist just for her to snatch it away from me.

"Don't touch me" She said through gritted teeth.

"Whats all this dam yelling in my house about" My mother said along with a couple family members behind her and I got the guys right in the back of me.


"I am not about to disrespect your mothers house so have NOTHING to say to me" She turned to my mother with a smile on her face "Ms. Shonee it was really nice meeting you and your family, but I'm sorry due to a situation I have to leave early. You can ask Keenon what happened. Bye you gyes" She waved rolling her eyes at me.

My mother pulled her into a hug "Oh chile u can call me Mama". Kai smiled and stormed out the house.

I was right behind Kai trying to talk to her and to explain to her it was all a mistake but she wasn't paying me attention while she was on the phone.

"Oh so u can talk to whoever on the phone but not speak to me" I yelled at her as she walked down to the corner. I stood in front of her blocking her way.

"YG if you don't move from in front of me, I will kick u in your stones. Now MOVE!!"

"I ain't moving blood until u talk to me" I said.

"I just spoke to you what the fuck do you want from me? Blood? You want blood? When my period comes I'll have a fresh patch waiting for you" She pushed me and continued walking.

Ok, Eww.

"Eyo Kai" I heard Slim and I saw the guys running towards.

"YOU" She pointed at Blim "Don't say shit to me. You knew about him and my best friend. All y'all knew about that stupid bet" She yelled.

"Kai its-" She cut me off.

"Nope nigga I don't wanna hear shit from your stupid ass right now. All this time I've been talking to y'all and y'all new about this dam bet. Nod y'all dam heads cuz I ain't wanna hear shit."

We all nodded our heads yes.

"Y'all loyal to this mother fucka who made some fucked up decision. Really? WOOOOWWW!! I'm dealing with some stupid ass, cerebrum less ASSHOLES" She said calmly. I stood there and watched how both her hands were shaking.

"I'm trying to stay sane and not slap ALL y'all asses. You two" She pointed at Goofy and Tee "For knowing about a dam bet, partaking in such bet rather than to tell this stupid ass not to go through with it. But no, all y'all do is fuck and duck hoes huh." She turned to Slim "You. I claim u to be my 'best friend' but u made this dumb ass bet. Your ass won, how much was the bet?"

"Kai-" She interrupted me.

"Nope. I don't wanna hear shit from you" She turned to Slim "How much  Slim?"

"5k" He mumbled lowly.

"Mmmm what's that?" She placed her hand behind her ear.

"5K Blood" He said a little louder.

"Oh 5k that's nice. So you got the money I'm sure y'all gon blow that on some strippers, find some girl, run games on her and then bet on that too huh." She sighed "Man I can't believe I got played for the what 5th, 6th time"

"Kai its not like that" I said.

"And YOU" She turned to me. Now if looks can kill.

"My best friend fucks anything that has a dam pulse. Boys, take this into consideration. Pushing your dick into any random pussy will result to u getting an random ass disease, that has no cue and your dick should shrivel up and die"

Just as she said that a cab pulled up and she walked towards it, but stopped and turned towards me.

"Don't call my phone, text no nothing" Then she jumped in and I stood there and watch the car drive off until it couldn't be seen anymore.

I didn't want to be bothered by anybody as I made my way back to the house.

"Kee what just happened?" My mother asked along with Keke standing next to her.

I sighed and passed my hand over my face. I began to tell the tall tale of why what just happened, happen.

"Keenon Daequan Ray Jackson, how could you do some shit like that" My mother said while hitting me at the back of my head.

"U don't think I'm to grown for u to be hitting me like that"

"Boy don't let me have to get my belt" She said sternly.

"Alright alright"

"Now, u need to explain to her about everything. What u did was unacceptable and don't EVER do some shit like that again to ANYONE." She said and I nodded. "Just talk to her but give her sometime first before u bring this all up. May the good Lord be with you and she doesn't kill you" She continued.

"Your ass better fix this cuz I like her. If y'all don't work out give her number because I'm tryna make a trip to Trinidad" Keke said all happily.

I just mugged the hell out off her.

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