Chapter 16

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I think your

a lack of vitamin



I woke up to a sleeping Kai cuddled up under me. I watched how her body laid on me naked. I tried to move from under her without waking her. The more i moved, the tighter her grip got. A nigga tryna go piss. I huffed.

"You can just ask nicely and I'll get up" Kai said annoyed while turning over.

The fuck?

Did she just read my mind or some shit.

I sighed. "I didn't want to wake u"

She didn't answer me.

"You still mad with me about last night cuz I did say I was sorry "

"I'm not mad with you but why would you do some shit like that tho?" she said while sitting up.

I sighed "It was a joke you should have seen your face tho"

She laughed. "U looked like u saw Freddy Krueger" I laughed.

"U wasn't laughing when I had your ass on the floor like 'aahhh aahh'" she laughed mocking me on how I was.

I picked the pillow up and hit her with it.

"Big ass meany" we both laughed.

"What time is it?" she asked snuggling under the covers more.

"10:05" I said.

"Oh" she said.

I was getting back into the bed ready to go back and sleep. I laid there with my arm over my eyes while I pulled Kai closer to me.

"Oh shit." I heard her yelled then jump of the bed, fell and ran into the bathroom with the sheet wrapped around her.

"Yo blood like?" I said confused.

"I gotta get to work" she said while brushing her teeth.

I laughed.

"This ain't funny" she said rinsing her mouth.

I laughed laying back in the bed.

"Don't get comfortable u have to drop me to work" she said as she stepped out the shower.

I groaned.

"I won't have to if u drive yourself blood" I said.

"You giving me you-"

"Oh hell naw blood u ain't driving my baby" I said.

"And I thought I was your baby" she said trying to look sad.

"Yeah but she was here before you" I said while smacking her ass licking my lips.

"No. I'll be even later messing around with your ass" she giggled.

As I pulled up to the airport, Kai grabbed her things and took her seat belt off. She leaned in and kissed me. "I'll see u in a couple hours. Don't do no dumb shit now Keenon" She said.

I laughed "now why I always gotta be the one to be doing dumb shit"

"When Slim and them get together u go along with it"

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