Chapter 13

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What's in my cup stays in my cup. In my cup stays in my cup. My drink is in my cup.

*Kai POV*

Its been a week since I got back to Cali. I must say, I've grown in love with Cali. The place is really hot, but I got use to it. I just got off work, ready to go home. I was going out for dinner tonight which I'm excited for.

Who else doesn't get excited over food?

I walked to the curb as I saw the car pulling up. I opened the door sliding in.

"Good afternoon mam" he said.

"Evening sir" I said while pulling my seatbelt.

"Why are u staring at me? U need to be driving, now drive" I said while fanning him off.

"I ain't gon get no kiss" he asked.

I laughed while leaning over to kiss him. "Now drive" I said playfully.

He sucked his teeth " u gon stop talking to me like that now" he said while rubbing my thigh.

"Whatever Keenonnnnnn" I sang.

Yes I'm with Keenon. We're taking things slow. This past week being a couple was really nice. Its been awhile since I've gotten butterflies while being around someone.

We pulled up to his condo. He convinced me to stay with him. I still have my hotel room, I don't like the clingy type relationship.

He killed the engine as we both hopped out. We walked through the garage and made our way to the elevator.

Keenon had to be all out and got a condo on the roof. Yes, the roof. After a girl been in the sky for long hours, she just wants to be on the ground, but no.

We finally made it up, it felt like there was 200 floors.

The elevator goes straight into his condo. Which is really nice for me, as I step off I'll fall right on to the couch.

"Your ass lazy" he laughed as I flopped down on the couch.

"Nope I'm just tired." I sighed.

"Its half 6 n dinner is at 9. U know u be taking years to get your face together" he said while drinking a bottle water.

I mugged him while he laughed. I soon joined him after.

"OK Im ready" I said while fluffing my hair.

"U said that 5 minutes ago" he said while still paying attention to his phone.

"But I am ready tho" I whined.

"Stop that whining" he said while slapping my ass.

I winched in pain. "Ouch that shit hurts"

He smiled looking me up and down "u look nice"

"Thank you but let's go because I'm hungry" I said while rubbing my belly.

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