Chapter 24

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I want you to be mine again,
I know my lifestyle
is driving you brazy
I can't see myself
without you.

*Kai POV*

Its been a two weeks since I've seen or spoken to Keenon since the cookout. Last week he's been calling, leaving voicemail's and messages, non stop. This week he's slowed down on all of that. He will message me and tell me 'good morning, enjoy my day' and then he would message me right when I'm on lunch and right as I get off work.

I'm not the type of person to hold grudges. At this point, I don't mind speaking to him but then again I really can't be bothered about him. As for my best friend, well my so call 'best friend', I actually messaged her and I thanked her for not telling me about her and G.

I sent the message, I don't know if she got it, read it, shit, I really don't care at this point. All I'm doing is getting rid of lose ends. Either I'm cutting them or letting it all go all at once. What they did really hurt me. My own best friend slept with my boyfriend, drunk or not.

I just got off work and I'm making my way back to the hotel. After I left the cookout, I went back to G's and got my stuff and made it back to the hotel. I figured he would know where I would be. So I changed rooms and told them down in the lobby not to give my information out to anyone. It's a good thing too cuz he came up here looking for me.

He made a whole scene in the lobby. He told them my name and room number and they said no one by that name is there. Which is all so true. I changed rooms for the sake of Keenon's safety. I don't wanna have to push him off the 20th floor.

This past week I've been out of it. I couldn't sleep. I can't believe I'm having sleepless nights over some dude. I've been working over time, I barely talk to anyone. I get to work, do my work and leave. I really couldn't take another night of staring at these hotel walls. I feel like I'm in solitary confinement. I isolated myself from everyone, like I'm on punishment, when I did nothing wrong, but be a good friend and girlfriend.

I got to my room. I took all the lights off. I didn't want to see anything but just let the darkness consume my body and surroundings. I wanted to be in the quiet setting. I got to my beats pill and selected a song off my playlist and placed it on repeat. I sat there, on my bed with the beginning of the song starting with it's base and guitar solo. I sat there and listened to the lyrics.

"Sometimes I don't wanna wake up alone. But sometimes I wanna wake up and be on my own. Sometimes I don't wanna walk by and smile. But at the same time I don't wanna let people down." I sang along to the song.

"It's getting heavy, I think I'm bout ready to break down. I'm standing up. Time keeps on ticking, I wish there was a way to slow it down. Someone pick me up, cuz I'm fallin down. Fallin down down down down."

"Why is it so easy for you to blame. I'm only human, we're all the same. I've given up everything in exchange for being alone. I'm shaking these demons underneath all the pride" I sang this song over and over for the past hour.

I laid back on the bed looking at the ceiling. I keep telling myself that I deserve much more. All I want is for someone who will bring the star in the palm of their hand for me.

Someone who's willing to get anything I need and they'll go and get it. If they don't come back to me, I guess their love was worth it. Being with someone is hard and loving them is hard but it makes me happy and has taken me so far. I don't care about the pain I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make it work.

I made the mistake of placing my heart in the palm of someone else hand and they tossed it away and it's going to take me forever to find where they lost it.

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