Chapter 17

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Lust on a Saturday

*Kai POV*

"It's the weekennndddd" I yelled while skipping through the house like a 5 year old.

Even though I work on weekends, I still look forward to it. Who wouldn't when you get up early all week and get to sleep in late on the weekends and still get that paper.

Best parts of the weekend, I get to spend time with my baby. I walked into the kitchen about to make breakfast.

"G way you at?" I yelled while drinking some orange juice before cracking these eggs.

G wasn't in the bed when I woke up. Even when I got out the shower and got dress.

I placed a couple strips off bacon on the hot skillet hearing it sizzle on contact with the heat. I took some slices of bread and placed them to toast. I poured the raw eggs into the pan, while flipping the bacons and scrabbling the eggs.

"Don't even think about it" I said while my focus was on the food.

He huffed "how you know?"

"I felt your presence" I shrugged.

He came up to me and pecked my lips while rubbing my ass, which made me jump a little because I have tickles on my ass cheeks.

"You weird, you know that right blood?" He laughed sitting at the bar stool.

I laughed "yeah" placing his plate which consisted of, eggs, toast, 5 strips of bacon, some good OJ.

"Thanks Ma" he said while biting into his bacon.

I made my plate along with a fruit bowl of pineapples and strawberries.

"Where your hungry ass was this morning?" I sat right next to him.

"I slept on the kouch blood" he said while eating his bacon.

"But I went to bed with you next to me" I looked at him confused.

"That's what I'm saying too. Like I got hungry so I went and got a plate, I think it was after 3 . I sat on the kouch and next thing I know, I woke up there wit the plate on my belly and fork in my hand" he shrugged eating a piece of pineapple.

I laughed "food and my pussy be putting your ass to sleep"

He bust out laughing.

"Come on hungry ass before I'm late" I said while washing the dishes.

He sucked his teeth grabbing his keys and I laughed.

"See you later my Lil hungry baby" I cooed while kissing him.

He laughed "we going out toni-"

"Nope. I'm staying home I'm not going to no club"

"Na like I was gon karry you to dinner but si-" I cut him off

"Yes yes yes" I squealed which made him laugh.

"Don't do that shit again blood" he pointed at me.

"Whatever Zaddy want. Zaddy gon get" I licked his earlobe while rubbing his thigh.

My ass is going to pay for playing with his ass.


"I gotta go. Bye booboo bear" I pecked his cheek and got out the car.

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