Chapter 31

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Villa Camila in MM 🌴

It's more like 75% drinking and 20% Candy-land and by the way the floor is molted lava.

*Kai POV*

"Who starting first?" I asked.

"Me" Tee said.

"It's going to be a long night" Dena sighed while I laughed.

We all got here waayyy before G did so I went ahead and introduced everyone. Dena was waiting patiently for Golves but I guess she forgot, but then again, it's Dena I'm talking bout. Golves came with his chocolate gum drop. When the guys met the girls, they flocked to them, like flies to garbage. Teecee went after Becca but she wasn't having it. She's been in her own little world since we got here. Goofy and Leya seemed to have hit it off. I noticed that Goofy wasn't all happy and hyper as he's always. I had my fingers crossed for Dena and Slim to hook up, they will make a cute ass couple, even though G thinks her and Goofy will make a good match.

"Never have I ever, bled from my private part" Teecee laughed.

All the girls drank their drinks.

"Ok my turn" Zooli said.

She came with Brandon. For a white boy he cool but weird.

"Never have I ever used, after shave" She said.

All the guys drank their drinks even Dena.

"Dena really?" Leya said.

"I use it on my legs y'all should most definitely try it" Dena said.

"Most definitely not." I said.

"My turn" Brandon said.

I'm sure he gon say some white boy shit.

"Never have I ever got paid for sex" He said.

Nobody drank anything except for the Zooli girl and Dena.

"Wait wait. Dena oh heelll nawww. You better tell this sorry" I said.

"I have no shame" Dena said.

"Clearly" Leya said bluntly.

*Dena POV*

I cleared my throat and started "Well....

I looked into the mirror which reflects a  wonderfully enticing cleavage and clothes that fit perfectly. I hope these fuck-me shoes are comfortable enough to spend a  long time in.

"Wait wait, the ones with the high, high heel? The cute red bottoms?" Kai asked.

I nodded my head yes.

How many other women up  and down the country are primping and preening, getting themselves ready  for a big night, like me? Hundreds? Thousands? Would they be wined and  dined? Have gifts bought for them? Would it be exciting and enticing?

Would it be nerve-racking for them as it  is for me? I pour myself a drink. Is it acceptable to do that? I don't  even know. I'm not yet entirely sure what the rules are. This is my  first time, after all.

A drink will help to  calm my nerves, I suppose. I'd eaten earlier on. Nothing spicy such as  Thai, that would have been foolish, although phonetically appropriate  for this evening. Usually in times of stress and uncertainty I turn to  food for comfort. Earlier on, however, and I'd had to force myself to  swallow. Maybe we'd eat later on? Again, I don't know. I don't know what  to expect from this evening at all. It could be amazing, or a complete  disaster.

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