Chapter 4

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*Kai POV*

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*Kai POV*

"I.. I can't believe this. Why would you bitches post that" I said acting sad while looking at my phone with a hand over my chest.

Dena posted a video of me shaking my ass acting all wild and crazy. I mean, I don't mind but posting it on social media was unacceptable especially with our job.

Dena laughed "giiiiiiiiirrrrrllll I swear you was about to die. Its just a vid get over it."

"How y'all gon do me like that? Catch me slipping" I laughed while throwing a pillow behind them.

I was drunk, I mean I was druuunñnnk like a dam fish. I guess the turn up was real. Doing body shots, dancing on the pole. I went 0-100, real quick, super duper quick.

"It's called making memories" Dena said while biting into a toast.

After breakfast and chatting with the girls it was time for me to get ready and head out to the airport to get onto this flight and start a new journey in my life.

After saying my good byes to the girls, I was now in a cab heading to the airport. Upon arriving to the airport, I got settled as the passengers started to file in.

It's going to be a 6 hour flight until Sunny California. I was extremely excited because I've never been to Cali before. I was going to take this time to do some sightseeing.

"Good morning Kai my name is Krystal and you would be in first class along with me today" she said to me as we greeted each other with a warm smile and handshake.

Upon lift off I was attending to the passengers, giving out blankets, headsets, drinks and peanuts just the basics.

There was this one passenger in particular who was giving Krystal a hard time and I didn't understand why because she seemed like such a nice girl. I just met her but she seems pleasant so I don't see the fuss.

"Hey Kai could you tend to those guys back there?" She asked with her index finger pointing forward.

"Ummm sure" I knitted my brows together.

"Thanks they are bugging me. 5th row on the right. Good luuuuuuucck" she sang while walking away.

As I got closer, the louder that group in particular got which worried me.

"6 hours of this? Urgh!" I mumbled to myself before putting on a smile to greet them.

"Hello guys do you need anything?" I questioned the group of fellas with a warm smile.

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