Chapter 46

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I could not write this chapter in peace.

Call me when you want to come...

Two days before Kai's Birthday Bash...

"Dena what the fuck you doing in there?" I yelled.

Our flight leaves in an hour and Dena is doing God knows what in that dam hut. Luckily, she already packed her things, it's just to get her out the people resort.

"Give me a second. Dam!" She yelled through the door.

"If you don't come here in two point five seconds, I'm coming in there and dragging yo' ass up out there like a dead body" Leya said seriously.

Oh the threats.

"Bitch you ain't gonna" Dena groaned "Do shit."

"Bitch oooohh" All you heard was Leya shuffling around to get to the door.

"Aye aye none of that" I held her back "Why are y'all so on edge lately?"

"Don't speak to me about that hoe" Leya held her hand up.

"The car is here to take us. Y'all ready?" Becca looked around "Where Dena at?"

I pointed at her door. I'm tired as fuck and all I want to do is get some rest in the bed that's waiting for me back at the hotel. But no. Dena slow ass gotta keep us back from that shit.

"What is she- never mind. Leya help me with these bags" Becca picked up the bags.

Leya mumbled a few things under her breath as she followed Becca towards the main part of the resort. Moments later I heard the door unlocked and out came Dena looking flushed.

"What took your ass so long?"

"My belly started to hurt I just had to" She said.

I looked at her before laughing. The shit was too funny.

"So your telling me you had the runnings huh?" I wiped a tear.

"Yup" She popped the p.

"Dammmmmmmmmm!!" I laughed.

"Shit ain't funny" She mugged.

I heard a very unpleasant sound.

"Girl they you just- ewwww" I fanned the air in front of me.

"Sorry" Her face was filled with embarrassment.

"What the fuck did your ass eat though?" I asked disgusted.

"I'm thinking it's gas or so" She shrugged.

"Uh uh get away from me" I pushed her "I thought it supposed to be silent but deadly not loud and killy"

"Whatever" She flagged me off as we met up with Becca and Leya.

"Finally, lets go" Becca shouted.

LAX a couple hours later ....

"Okay so I'm going back to my place" I yawned.

We just got back from our flight and lets just say Dena didn't make it anywhere pleasant.

"Wait in a few minutes it's going to be the eve of your birthday" Leya said excitedly.

"That's nice and all but naw. My bed is calling my ass like 'Kai, Kai, I need you, come lay on me' plus I gotta work in a few hours" I laughed as I looked at my watch.

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