Chapter 15

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I Don't
Have A
Dirty Mind,
I Have
A Sexy

*Kai POV*
Couple Days Later

It's Wednesday and i got the day off. My weekend passed really well. I just chilled with G playing madden. I have zero friends out here, well besides Becca. I've grown closer to her rather than Chey and Tina. G is at the studio for however long and I'm bored at its only 11:30 in the day. He has another appearance tonight, I argued against it but he won and my ass is going. I have no car so I'm stuck here. I can't talk to G cuz he won't answer his phone. I hate off days.

After a couples games of Madden, Yes I play Madden, I grew up around boys so stuff like that interest me. I looked at the time and saw it was only 1. I thought I would face-time Dena and catch up with them. It's 1 in Cali which means it's around 4 something in Trinidad and that's when Tatty is getting off work or dealing with X, so i won't disturb her. Me and my mom aren't speaking at this moment but it's all good.

"Hey chick" Dena said as she appeared on the screen.

"Sup? where Lolita at?" I asked.

"washing her stank coogie" Dena expressed.

"I heard that" Leya yelled "hey Yaya"

"Hey hun".

"what's good?" Dena asked.

I told her about my week and about the girl at the club the other night.

"Y'all talked about it?" Dena asked.

"I mean no. It didn't seem necessary to speak on it." I said.

"Let him know to keep his hoes in check" Leya said while wrapping her hair with a towel.

"Kai u so dam different from me" Dena exclaim.

"and how is that?"

"I would done cuss her ass, beat that shit till a pulp and then cuss his ass out. I don't play that disrespectful shit. U a hoe. Learn ur position, get use to ur position and stay there." Dena said.

Leya and me bust out laughing.

"Y'all gon stay laughing when y'all get left for a hoe or go shopping and got a hoe all up in your face" Dena said annoyed.

"Who pissed in your cereal love? Do I need to get a ticket and whoop dey ass?" I asked.

She sucked her teeth.

"She mad that Brandon left her for the same girl he swore up and down he wasn't messing around" Leya said.

"and which one is Brandon again?" I asked while Leya joined me in a fit of laughter.

"she's a hoe, pussy stretches like gum." Dena said which me and Leya laugh even harder "she needs to go google 'hoe' and recollect her morals." she continued.

"if your pussy not tight don't bother call meehhh" Leya sang.

"coming from somebody who partakes in thot activity" Leya said mushing Dena head.

"No no.. No.. NO!!" Dena said "I haven't found my mister right I'm not lucky like some people to met a billionaire"

"first off I'm not sure if Keenon is mister right as yet" I said.

"he makes u happy right?" Leya asked.

I couldn't help but blush thinking about how nice he's been to me.

"are those cherries or your cheeks red like that?" they both laughed.

"An'ty ways... I got some news from Alexander the other day" I said.

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