Niall - Saving You From Being Molested (Tam)

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Warning ; Mature topics included, not recommended to read if you're under 12 years old. x

11:28pm. Finally back in America! It had been a long three week trip to see my extended family in Canada. The wedding was alright, like any other wedding. Two people who love each other, immensely, telling everyone they have ever met just how much they will care for each other when they're old and wrinkled. Fun.

The flight had been a few too many hours that I would haven liked and I was sat next to a four year old boy, who didn't understand what silence was. I'm not usually this bitter, its just been a very long day and I'm so tired.

"I need to take your little sister to the toilet before we go and pick up our bags, Tam will you be alright on your own?" My mum asked, whilst she was holding my rather desperate three year old sister in her arms.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. You can leave your hand luggage here, I'm not going anywhere" I say in reply. It was true, there was nowhere that I could possibly go. I couldn't even get pack on the plane, even if I wanted to.

"Ok, thanks Tam" My mum smiled and then quickly took my sister to the toilet, before she had a mess to clean up.

As soon as I saw her turn the corner into the toilets, I reached in my back pocket for my phone. Instantly I was drawn into my twitter, reading all the updates that Id missed whilst being on the worst plane journey of my life. I was so enthralled by all the new content that I was learning about my favourite celebrities that I didn't notice a four foot nothing, hairy, 40 year old man staring at me. He edged closer and closer to me. At first he was standing by the closest conveyer belt, and now he was almost behind me.

Still completely unaware that I was a target, I look up to the clock on the wall that's above the sign of the toilets. They've been almost 5 minutes! They must be back soon. I slip my phone into my front pocket and pull my backpack off one of my shoulders. The movement of my backpack startles a figure that's behind me. I turn round immediately, feeling a presence behind me.

"Hi?" I say, trying to be polite but also trying to hide my amusement that men like this actually exist. The man doesn't reply, but pushes me firmly. I trip over the bags that my mum had put down. Damn-This hobbits strong!

"What the hell was that for?" I spat out, who was this guy?

"You're really hot." He growled back. What a freak.

"Thanks, I get it from my Dad" I push myself back off the floor so that I'm now towering over the little man. "I'm going to go now, that's for the chat." I bend down for my backpack, put it on my back and then bend down for the handles of my Mum's duffle bag.

Just as I am in mid-bending position, the little hairy man grabbed onto my butt. Violation flooded my body, and so did anger. But I froze. Why couldn't I move? Usually, I would've turned round and slapped whoever even tried to do that. Why couldn't my anger be transferred to fists?

The guy got closer to my back and pushed my backpack so that I was face down as I hit the floor. My body was numb and shame spread within me. I couldn't head anything. Everything was silent. Everyone was silent. The grip on my butt disappeared.

"Hey, are ya alright?" An Irish guy asked. He picked me up and turned me around to face him. He was tall, blonde haired and had the most wonderful blue eyes.

"errr, yesh thanks" I say, still in shock. His face looked familiar, and so did his voice. "I'm Tam, by the way" I nervously utter.

"I'm Niall." He replies and smiles. "I've dealt with that guy, don't you worry babe. He wont be near you anytime soon!" His thick Irish accent was so attractive. I'm sure I knew his face. I'm absolute certain! Then it clicked. Then I realised who he was.

"You're Niall Hor" He stopped me from speaking with his hand.

"Shhhhhhhhh!" He said as he turned around, looking to see if anyone had heard. "Please don't make a scene, I landed 10 minutes ago and no ones recognised me yet!" He whispered.

"I'm so, so, so sorry! I didn't mean to! I'm just so" I rambled.

"It's alright, I'm glad you're alright now. I need to get my bag, its been going round the conveyer belt awhile and I don't want to lose it." He jokes as he let go of me.

"Okay, bye!" I shouted after him. Wow. He's so hot in person.

"Tam? There you are!" I heard my mum yell as my come plummeting back to earth.

"What do you mean here I am?" I asked, I hadn't moved!

"You're on the other side of the toilets!" My mum said exasperatedly.

"Mum I haven't moved, how would I have carried all these bags?" I asked, amused by her false assumptions.

"It's been a long day. Let's go home?" My Mum replied. She had realised that she was wrong, not that it would make her tell me that.


Hope you enjoy it Tam!

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