Louis - Hormonally Ill (Charlie)

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Requested by: HarryLove9045

"Lou, can you come over?" I sighed, blowing my nose into the snot-ridden tissue.

"Yeah, of course babe," He spoke cheerfully, then hung up. I groaned, the pressure in my nose killing me. My whole face hurt from my sinuses, I had a terrible migraine, my throat was burning, and to top it off I had terrible cramps due to my period. I turned over in my bed, bringing my knees up to my chest and trying not to cry from all the pain. I felt absolutely horrid, all I wanted to do was sleep it all away but I wasn't able to sleep any longer than forty-five minutes without waking back up.

I finally heard the door open, and a faint "Charlie?".

"Lou, 'm in my room," I tried to yell, but it hurt so it wasn't as loud as I would have liked. He must have heard me though, because he walked through the door.

"Aw, my baby," He cooed, pulling me into a warm embrace. I restrained myself from letting out a sarcastic comment, I simply wasn't in the mood for a lot of stuff at the moment.

"Get off, we can't have you getting sick," I grumbled, and he reluctantly let go of me. I sighed, rolling over again and trying to get into a better position.

"Um, how about I make you a cuppa, yeah?" He asked, and I nodded simply to give me some space. I started to wonder exactly why I asked him to come over, because I wasn't even in the mood for company. When I was finally starting to fall asleep again, Louis walked through the door with a cup of tea in hand. I groaned, sitting up so I could drink it. He handed it to me then sat down beside me, pulling me towards him in a cuddle. I held back from rolling my eyes, and took a small sip of the hot beverage. I could taste the honey he must have put in it, which I was semi-grateful for. I set the cup on the table, not wanting to spill it.

"Thanks," I mumbled, giving Louis a weak smile. He nodded, a wide grin on his face.

"Anything for my princess," He smirked, leaning in and pressing his lips against mine. I stayed still, not necessarily wanting to kiss him back. For one, I didn't want to get him sick considering he had a show in a couple of days, and then there was the fact that I simply wasn't in the mood for it. He pulled away with a frown on his face, raising his eyebrow.

"What, am I a lousy kisser now?" He seemed offended, and I had a small amount of guilt, but not enough for me to feel bad.

"No, 'm just not in the mood," I sighed, pulling away from his grasp and laying down.

"What the hell did I do, Charlie? I've been nothing but sweet, you're sick and all and I came out of my way to be here for you! I made you a cuppa, I even stopped on the way here to buy honey. I brought a heating pad for your cramps, and I have some chocolate in your fridge waiting for you. But you can't even kiss me? Show some appreciation? What the hell," He ranted, getting off of my bed and leaving the room.

My heart felt heavy with guilt, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. I didn't know he did all of that for me, and I was starting to regret my attitude. Obviously it wasn't entirely my fault, but I could've been nicer. I slowly got out of bed, trying to ignore the aches and pain as I walked out of the room in search of Louis. I finally found him sat on the couch, him just sitting with his head buried in his hands. The TV wasn't on and his phone wasn't out, he was sitting in complete silence.

"Louis," I whsipered, sitting next to him and rubbing his back. He looked up at me hesitantly, his eyes puffy and red from tears, my heart wanting to shatter into pieces. "Oh Lou, I'm sorry," I choked out, pulling him into a tight hug. "I'm sorry I'm such a bitch, I should've been nicer, you're so sweet, I love you," I rambled, speaking sweet words in hopes that he would forgive me.

"Charlie, Charlie, Charlie..." He mumbled against my hair, shaking his head. He pulled away, pushing on my shoulders so we could look at eachother. "You've done nothing wrong, love. You're sick and hormonal and I should have understood, I shouldn't have made you feel bad. It's excusable, and I love you, yeah? I'll always love you." He smiled, causing one to appear on my own face. I leaned towards him, our lips inches from eachothers.

"Love you," I whispered against his lips, then pressed them together. Although I was sick, it did feel nice to have a nice kiss with my boyfriend. I pulled away after a few moments, breathless from not being able to breathe out of my nose.

"Now get back in bed, I'll get some chocolate and the heating pad, and some medicine, and we can watch a movie," He smiled, while I nodded and followed his orders.

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