Niall - Meet and Greet (Ellie)

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Requested by: elliex99

Christmas 2016

"Present time!" My best friend Natasha screamed, running around the living room in circles.

"Tasha, chill," Sadie groaned, shoving her onto the couch, which she jumped on as well.

"How are you two so hyper at six in the morning," I groaned, my eyesight fuzzy from just waking up. I sat on the corner of the couch, curled up into a ball.

"Because it's Christmas!" Natasha exclaimed, reaching over and handing me a box.

"You go first, Ellie," My best friends grinned at me.

"Okay?" I was sort of scared, this present could be anything. Judging by the looks on their faces, I would either love it or completely hate it as well. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, then started peeling away the holday wrapping paper.

I groaned when I saw there was more wrapping paper, the girls up to their usual shenanigans. Why couldn't they just make things simple?

About 5 minutes later I had gotten through all of the paper and tape that they used to 'wrap' it. The bare box was in my hand, waiting to be opened. I lifted up the lid of the box, all that was inside of it was a piece of paper. I glared at my friends, a 'really?' look on my face.

"Just open it, El!" They exclaimed, excitement written all over their faces. I delicately picked up the paper, inspecting it.

"One Direction Aftermath tour, June 26 2017, section C, row 5, seat 10," As I spoke I started getting more and more excited, my love for my friends growing emmensely. "A.M. Ticket Pack, ft. soundcheck, an exclusive t-shirt, a tote bag, and a once in a lifetime meet and greet with ONE DIRECTION!" I screamed, attacking my friends into a hug.

"Ohmygod, I love you guys so much! How?" My eyes started to water, me being on the verge of crying.

"Well we made sure to be there right when they went on sale, we honestly just got the first ticket it gave us and we saw the package, so we just had to! We love you, Ellie, and you deserve this!" Natasha smiled, kissing my cheek.

"Yeah! Plus, we looked at the seating chart and you're right next to the catwalk! Plus, now you can flirt it up with Niall," Sadie grinned, digging her elbow into my side. All I could do was laugh, admiring my best friends and all they've done for me.

"Thank you so much guys," I wiped the tears from under my eyes. "But now I feel bad, my presents for y'all aren't nearly as good," All of us laughed.


June 26, 2017

"Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod," I whispered to myself as the uber pulled up to the arena. I paid the driver and got out of the car, pulling my purse higher up on my shoulder. I walked up to the arena, seeing a shit ton of girls lined up everywhere.

"Excuse me?" I tapped the shoulder of a security guard. He turned to me, a tired look on his face. "I'm here for soundcheck and meet and greet, I don't know where to go?" The man led me towards a gate, where another man took my ticket and handed me the other items that were with my package. He pointed me towards where the stage was, my mind not even realizing the fact that I was about to see One Direction.

I found my seat, and it really was right next to the stage. Of course there was a large gap so I wouldn't be able to reach out to them, but I'm close enough to where I'll be able to see Niall's mesmerizing blue eyes.

"Alright, soundcheck time boys!" A man yelled, then the four boys I idolize walked onto the stage. My heart dropped to my stomach it felt like, my eyes widening. They're real and right in front of me.

They started prepping, singing History. I watched as they shoved each other around, goofing off and singing the song in the wrong key. They were genuinely having fun, which was exactly the reason why I fell in love with these boys so many years ago.

The soundcheck flew by quickly, and next
thing I knew I was being guided to where the meet and greet would take place. I was beyond nervous, with my luck I'll pass out or completely embarrass myself.

I stood in line, a few girls ahead of me but I was last in line, which could either be a good or bad thing. I watched as the boys interacted with them, a smile on my face. A couple of times Niall's gaze met mine, crystal blue eyes meeting plain green ones.

It was finally my turn. I took a deep breath, stepping forward towards the four boys I love to death.

"Hi!" Niall chirped, grinning at me.

"Hi," I spoke shyly, awkwardly playing with my hands. Fuck, this is embarrassing.

"So what's your name, love?" Harry asked, smiling lightly at me.

"Uh, I'm Ellie." I smiled at them. A loud chuckle escaped Louis' mouth, him looking at me apologetically. He still elbowed Niall in the ribs, a smug look on his face.

"Well how about a picture?" Liam asked, his hand going to the middle of my back to guide me in front of the backdrop.

"Wait, can I do a certain pose? It's so cheesy, but I made a promise to a 12 year old me that if this ever happened, I would do it," I blushed, taking my bottom lip between my teeth.

"Yeah, of course," Niall grinned at me, calming my nerves.

"Alright, well," I laughed awkwardly, shaking my head. "God this is gonna be embarrassing."

"I'm sure we've seen weirder." Louis chuckled.

"Alright, well. Okay. Niall, you're in the middle." He nodded, taking his designated spot. "Alright, Liam, I'm sorry but you're gonna be by yourself because you're supposed to be with Zayn," I frowned at him apologetically, him nodding and taking a spot to the right of Niall.

"And us?" Harry asked, a knowing look on his face.

"Okay, Louis, you're gonna stand right there," I pointed to where he should stand, him doing as I said. "And Harry, get on his back," I grinned, Louis looking at Harry fondly. I chose to ignore that for my fangirl sake.

"Alright, now Niall, I get on your back..." I trailed off, looking at him shyly. He grinned, bending down so I could climb on. I wrapped my arms around his neck, loosening my grip enough so he could breathe. His hands went behind me to hold me, and I couldn't help but let out a squeak when he gripped my bum.

"Well, I'm just gonna look lonely over here," Liam pouted, causing all of us to chuckle. I leaned my chin on Nialls shoulder, making a last minute decision. The man started counting down, and I tapped Niall's cheek. He turned to look at me, and when the man reached 1, I pressed my lips against his. I heard the camera go off and pulled away with a smirk, jumping off of Niall's back.

"Hey!" He pouted, pulling me towards him. I laughed as his hands gripped my hips, our faces inches apart. "It's not nice to tease a man like that," Niall grinned, leaning down and attaching our lips. They moved against eachother smoothly, chills running down my spine.

"All right, all right, why don't ya let Ellie go out and enjoy the opening act, alright?" Louis laughed, Niall and I pulling apart.

"Alright, alright," He took his hands off of me, putting them up in surrender. He started leading me to the exit, then stopped.

"So I'll leave your name with the security guards, after the show ends come back here and we'll meet back up," Niall winked, kissing my cheeks. I nodded enthusiastically, then when he walked away I started going back to my seat.

We could just say that it was definitely the best night of my life.

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