Harry - One Night Stand

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Requested by: Anonymous

The music boomed loudly in my ears as I sat at the bar, sipping my drink. I was simply watching the crowd, this just wasn't my scene whatsoever. My friends had dragged me along with them for a night of clubbing, and they were out grinding on strangers while I stayed at the bar. We had just finished our finals and it was to be a night of celebration, but this wasn't what I had in mind. I was hoping for a night at home in pajamas, watching a Friends marathon on Netflix and downing a bottle of wine. That sounds like a nice night to me.

"Excuse me, is anybody sitting here?" A deep voice slurred beside me, him catching my attention by resting his hand on my shoulder. I turned to look at him, noticing his dark green eyes which were hooded, and his unruly chestnut curls. Hell, this boys hair seemed to be about the same length as my own, maybe even longer.

"Nope," I mumbled, taking another sip of my cocktail. He sat down, tilted towards me. Fuck. I downed my drink, setting it back on the counter.

"Get another one of whatever she had, charge it to my bill." He spoke to the bartender, then handed me the drink.

"Erm, thanks," I took it from him, glancing at him from the side. I wasn't going to lie, he was extremely attractive.

His hand traveled to my knee, seeming to be testing the waters. It slowly trailed up my thigh, and he was about to go closer to my womanhood when I stopped him.

"How about we dance?" I suggested, standing up from the bar stool and adjusting my much too short dress. He nodded, his hands around my waist as I led us to the dance floor. It was some EDM song, which I absolutely despise. It's not real music, for fucks sake.

He pulled my bum against him harshly, guiding my hips so I was grinding against him. His mouth was attached to my neck, sucking on it and causing my head to fall back in pleasure.

As I grinded my ass against him in sync with the beat, I could feel his breathing getting heavier and his dick getting hard.

"Fuck, you're so hot baby girl," He moaned into my ear, yet I didn't even know his name.

"What's your name?" I shouted against the music, grinding my hips harder.

"Har- oh! Harry," He moaned, I suppose I hit the right spot that time.

"I'm (y/n)," I moaned as he started sucking on my neck again.

"Well, (y/n), how about we get out of here?" I nodded my head desperately. Harry grabbed my hand and guided me through the crowd and out of the club.

The fresh air felt brilliant as he guided me down the street, the two of us occasionally tripping over eachother from how drunk we were. I wasn't completely wasted, I knew what I was doing, but I was still more than tipsy.

"Alright," Harry hummed, failing several times at getting the key into the hole until he finally succeeded. Once we were inside, the door was closed and I was pressed against it.

His hands were roaming across my body, his lips pressed against mine. He bit my lower lip causing me to gasp, him using this to his advantage so his tongue could enter my mouth:

Harry giggled drunkly as we stumbled up the stairs. His large hands held the walls, elbows knocking into my chin as I followed him to his room. As soon we hit the landing, his hand swung back and grasped mine, pulling into his side swiftly.

The alcohol in my blood felt like it was pumping straight to my brain as his hands made their way to the backs of my thighs.

"Jump, baby girl," he whispered, and chuckled after.

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