Zayn - Coffee and Objections (Anam)

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Requested by: Beautiful1DLads (wont tag again geesh)

"Zayn!" I exclaimed, running into the arms of my best friend. "I haven't seen you in forever!" He squeezed me tightly. Zayn has been my best friend since we were young, then he went onto the show X-Factor and became part of a world famous band named One Direction. He's been touring nonstop, which I suppose has stressed him out considering he left the band. Even while he was on breaks and visiting family, there was never any time left for me, it was family and he was gone again. Now that he's back, and there's nothing to force him to fly back out to another country, we've been able to meet up. Although we had occasional text conversations, no words could explain how much I missed him.

"I know, Anam! It's been too long," He mumbled into my hair, rubbing my back. He then pulled away, leading me towards a booth towards the back of the coffee shop.

"So how's things been for you?" I asked, sipping from the coffee he had ordered for me before I arrived. He still knew my favorite years later, making my heart warm up.

"Alright, I guess. I mean I had like, four or five years of touring, yeah? It's been mad stressing me out, I couldn't handle anymore. I hate how much I've disappointed the fans, but it was time to do what's best for me, yeah?" He shrugged, drinking his beverage.

"Yeah, I get it. Just know the real fans support you, the ones who are bashing you aren't true. Yeah, they might be upset, but they know you'll be happier." I smiled at him, grabbing his hand across the table in reassurance.

"Yeah, you're right, thanks Anam." He smiled, squeezing my hand. I couldn't deny the warm feeling his simple touch gave me. "So what about you, huh? What all have I missed?"

"Well, nothing much, I guess. Graduated, went to Uni, the usual. Getting married on Saturday," I casually added, not necessarily looking forward to his reaction. Before he left, he had pronounced his feelings toward me but I politely rejected him, considering I knew he would be a star and I didn't want to be the one person holding him back from being his best. He started coughing, quickly pulling his hand away from mine. He couldn't hide the pain hidden behind his eyes, his feelings especially being shown by him avoiding eye contact.

"Oh, well, erm, congratulations? Who's the," He coughed, shaking his head. "Who's the lucky man?" He glanced at my ring, sighing.

"Erm, Thayer. I'm sure you remember him-" I could easily tell the conversation was going downhill, and I regret telling Zayn even though he would eventually find out.

"Ah, yeah. Thayer. You dated him Year 11, right?" I nodded, watching him take his bottom lip between his lip. "Well, Saturday, yeah? I'll be there."


I took a deep breath, the idea of walking down the aisle terrifying me. Ever since seeing Zayn a few days ago, I've been contemplating my decision, the way Zayns simple touch made me feel was undeniable compared to Thayer. I smiled up at my father, the two of us walking down the aisle when the music began playing. I easily found Zayn, him giving me a half smile. I took a deep breath, then finally I was facing Thayer. As we stood hand-in-hand, going through the ceremony, I couldn't help but think of Zayn.

"If anyone can show just why this couple cannot be legally joined in marriage, let them speak now or forever hold their peace." The minister spoke, and I quickly scanned through the crowd, meeting eyes with Zayn. He seemed to be internally struggling with himself, then he raised from his seat.

"I object." He spoke, his voice soft and shaky, but still audible. There were lots of gasps from our families, and I had to force myself to hold back a smile.

"Please give your reasonings?" The minister asked, surprised there was an objection. Zayn quickly walked closer to me, still a good couple of feet away though.

"Okay, so, Anam," His voice was shaky, him fumbling with his hands. His eyes finally met mine, and I felt like melting. "God, Anam, I still love you, okay? I know I haven't been there, I should have been, y'know? I'm sorry I left, I'm sorry I left you behind. I can't help but believe that if I would have stayed, not gone off to the show or being part of the band, maybe right now this wedding would be ours. I love you, Anam, I have undeniable feelings for you, and I know you have them too. I know." His voice slowly became more confident. He turned to Thayer, taking a deep breath. "Thayer, what's her favorite way to drink coffee?" My heart warmed from his question, memories of a couple of days ago flooding back.

"I, erm, mocha?" Thayer stumbled his words, causing me to laugh.

"No, it's a caramel machhiato." I nodded, confirming Zayns words.

"No, really, I feel like I'm in heaven when I drink that stuff," I laughed, causing everybody to laugh as well.

"See, Thayer? If you don't know how she likes her coffee, what do you know? If you love her like you say you do, you should know every little detail. Her favorite color is orange because of the leaves during fall, she hates wearing white clothes because she feels it's too pure and she's made too many bad choices in life. She has been hurt way too many times to count, yet she still puts her heart into everything and everybody. Now I know I don't deserve her, hell, nobody deserves the wonderfulness that is Anam, but damn it, Thayer, I will not let you take her. You do not deserve her at all, she's too good for somebody who can't love her like I do." I reached up, wiping the tears from my eyes. Everybody cheered for Zayn, even Thayers own family. His face had a look of shock, pain, and horror. He glanced at me, giving a pleading look.

"Come on, Anam, you know what we have is real," He reached towards me, but I backed away towards Zayn.

"I'm sorry, Thayer." I gave him an apologetic smile, entertwining my hand with Zayns and leaving the chapel with my true love.

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