Niall - Spilled Coffee and Video Games (Patricia)

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Requested by: PatLukeRikerNiall101

I walked down the sidewalk, 'Jet Black Heart' by 5SOS blaring through my headphones. My eyes were glued to the ground as I mumbled the lyrics. Next thing I knew I was on the ground, and I had burning hot coffee all over my white blouse.

"Oh my God, 'm so sorry, here, let me help you," I heard a very familiar Irish accent speak. I took the hand that was extended in front of me, it helping pull me up. My eyes ran up his body, and finally my eyes met his crystal blue ones.

"You're N-Nia-" He covered my mouth with his hand, my eyes widening.

"Please, love, I really don't want to get mobbed right now," He pleaded with me and I noddee.

"Yeah, yeah, of course." I smiled at him, him returning the gesture. I then looked down at my stained shirt, groaning.

"Oh, shit! Your shirt is ruined, I'm so sorry, here, why don't you come back to my flat? I can get you a new shirt, or pay for it, I dunno, I'm so sorry!" He started freaking out, causing to laugh.

"It's fine," I smiled at him, but the thought of going to his flat and hanging out with his friends appealed to me.

"Still, c'mon. I owe you," He smiled, taking my hand in his and leading me down the sidewalk. My stomach fluttered from his touch, and I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"So what's your name?" He asked, looking down at me with a smile.


"Pretty name for a pretty girl," He winked, leading me to the door of a large building.

"Erm, thanks," I awkwardly laughed. We got into the elevator, him pressing the button for the top floor. He typed a code into the screen, then we were going up.

"Oh, by the way, I hope you're fine with my friends being here..." I hesitantly nodded, unsure of who it could be. I'm sure Niall was friends with many people the possibilites were endless. We finally got to the top floor, the doors opening. He led me through, and we were immediately met with yells and the sounds of Fifa.

"Sorry," He chuckled, leading me away from the noise and towards where I guessed was his bedroom. I pushed all naughty thoughts aside, this was strictly an innocent encounter. His hand finally left mine, making me frown. He walked over to his dresser, pulling a drawer open, then pulled out a black t-shirt.

"Here, this should fit, it might be big, though." He smiled, leaving the room and closing the door behind him. I pulled the soiled shirt off of me, then pulled on the one he gave me. It went down to my knees, causing me to chuckle. I rolled the shirt up so I didn't look as ridiculous, then exited the room, following the obnoxious boys yells. My eyes met the eyes of three boys who I immediately recognized, Harry, Louis and Liam.

"Oh shit," I gasped, trying my hardest not to fangirl. They all chuckled, walking over to me.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked, his voice concerned. I nodded, looking at the boys.

"Where's, uh, Niall?" I asked, and they pointed towards the kitchen. I heard the Fifa game start again from the other room. I spotted Niall looking through the fridge, so I stood beside him and cleared my throat.

"Oh, hey Pat," Niall grinned, grabbing a bottle of water.

"What the hell, Niall? You didn't tell me all of  One Direction were here!" I crossed my arms, my heart beating like crazy.

"Oh, yeah, sorry about that." He chuckled, walking past me and towards the living room. I groaned, following behind him. He walked to the couch, falling on top of Harry and Louis.

"C'mon, Patricia, play with us," Louis grinned, handing me a controller.

"Yeah, sure," I grinned, taking it from his hand. I spent that whole day playing video games with four of the boys that I've spent years idolizing and loving, and it was easily the best day of my life.

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