Niall - Doctor Horan (Carlie)

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Requested by : Pleasant-Peasant

okay this imagine is mature but i don't think warnings matter anymore so go at it ;-)

"Do I really have to go, Mom?" I whined, refusing to set foot through the doors.

"Stop being ridiculous, Carlie, you're eighteen years old. You should've came here years ago, but I let you push it back. Now you have to." She glared at me, grabbing my wrist and pulling me into the building.

"Look, Doctor Horan has been my gynecologist for years, he's a nice man and he'll treat you like a gentleman. C'mon." I rolled my eyes, my mother shoving me towards the check-in counter. I filled out the paper work quickly, handing it to the receptionist then joining my mother in the waiting room.

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through Instagram, trying to distract myself from thinking about the appointment. I was a virgin, I had never been touched and nobody's seen me... down there, since my parents when I was a small child. So to say I was scared to have a stranger probing me down there, was an understatement.

"Carlie?" A young woman stood beside the door, a clipboard in her hands. I took a deep breath, swallowing any excess spit in my mouth.

"That's me," I spoke shyly, positive that there was a pink tint to my cheeks.

"Right this way." She smiled at me reassuringly, leading me towards a height chart on the wall.

"We always do this for new patients, just to put in your records. For dosage amounts in case you need medicine or anything." I nodded, doing as she said. She got my height, weight, and blood pressure before leading me into a room. I looked around, the walls a light pink and charts showing the female reproductive system on the walls.

"Alright, here's your gown, make sure you strip completely and put this on. Just sit tight, Doctor Horan will be in soon." She smiled at me, handing me the gown and leaving the room.

I took a deep breath, stripping from my clothing quickly before anybody could come in. I pulled my arms through the sleeves, awkwardly reaching behind me to tie it closed. I absolutely despise these hospital gowns, I always feel exposed.

I sat on the seat, my legs dangling as I inspected the room. I guess it was what you would expect in a gynecology office, but it was still pretty weird. Not to mention uncomfortable.

There was two knocks on the door, then a handsome man who I presumed to be Doctor Horan walked in. His hair was obviously bleached blonde, his roots growing in a dark brown. He had thick rimmed glasses on his nose, giving him that look of professionalism. The glasses were in front of a pair of mesmerizing blue eyes. To make things simple - he was absolutely fucking gorgeous.

"Carlie?" He asked, his voice thick and Irish. So he was foreign. Even better.

"Yep, that'd be me," I laughed awkwardly, looking down towards my hands.

"So what brings you here today?" He asked, pulling out a pair of gloves and sliding them onto his long fingers.

"Well my mom, she uh, said I needed a check up since I'm 18 now." I mumbled, refusing to look into his eyes. I was way too awkward for this shit.

"I see. Well, that was smart of her. It's always nice to start getting checked early. I usually recommend coming once a year." I nodded, squirming in my seat.

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