Louis- You're Insecure (Charlie)

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Requested by @harrylove9045

Warning; the content in the imagine below may be seen as triggering and we advice you read at your own digression

Charlie's POV

Sometimes I swear he 'doesn't understand' on purpose. I know that he thinks I'm attention seeking and being needy, but I don't try to be. I know, one day, he'll leave because he'll want to do that "normal couples do". No, I'm not talking about what happens in the bedroom. Believe me, I want to eat in fancy restaurants, go to his award shows in a tight, little dress and wake up every morning happy, but I cant and I don't.

The thing is, I don't want his sympathy, nor do I want his pity. I don't want him to look a me the way he does when he discovers another mark. His face doesn't hide his emotion. It never has, never will. His whole presence becomes sad and disappointed. He makes me ashamed of myself. Ashamed of what I do to myself because I know that he is perfect and I will never be. I'm so in love with Louis.

"Morning baby" Louis walks into our clinically white bedroom and kisses my head. I hate walking up on my own. The loss of his presence, or anyone's, leaves me alone in my mind.

"Morning, what have you been up?" I ask in my sweetest voice and with my sweetest smile.

"Making breakfast for my lovey girlfriend" Louis replies, kissing my head after every word. I love how affectionate he is. Kneeling on the bed, Louis pulls the covers off me playfully.

"That's so sweet, Lou, I'm not very hungry at the moment. You have it" I smile, ignoring the rumbling in my stomach as I speak.

"Is that why I can hear this growling" Louis rubs my stomach as if I was pregnant. "Come on, I made it for you."

"Honestly baby, I'm not in the mood" Louis takes a deep breath out as id he was annoyed.

"OK." Louis gets off the bed and throws the covers back over me moodily.

"Babe" Louis turns round quickly.

"You don't get how much effort I have put in. You never get it. It's always you, you, you. When do you ever think about doing something for me? You're so wrapped up in your little world of where every hates you, you forget that I f.cking care about you. I f.cking love you. You think that this is all easy for me? watching you hurt yourself and starve yourself? I'm watching the girl I love destroy herself. When do you ever think about me?" Louis angrily rants.

"I don't do this to p.ss you off, Louis! I hate this, I hate what I have become! If you cared about me 'so much' then why don't you stick up for me when your fans attack me? They write abusive messages to me and you do nothing! Nothing!" I repeat, he thinks that I want to be this way. It's his fame that has made me this way.

"So you're blaming the fans now? First it was me and now its them?"

"I didn't ever blame you."

"You said that I don't defend you, therefore you're saying its my fault."


"You know what, babe, it's fine. If you don't like the life that I lead then don't stay with me. Go on. Leave me if I'm such a useless boyfriend."

"That is not what I said, Louis!" He gets me so furious, my blood is boiling.

"Then what are you saying?"

"I'm saying I cant just eat when you want me to. They call me fat so I slim down. They call me skeletal so I put on weight. They say I'm podgy so I go to the gym to tone up. And that's just what they say about my weight. They're judging me because you wanted me not them."

"I still want you." Louis tells me, bringing the whole tone of the argument down to a slight whisper.

"I love you, Lou"

"I love you too, baby. I just cant let you destroy yourself."

"I'm sorry" I utter, barely audibly.

"It's okay" Louis mouths back. Simultaneously, we both smile lovingly at each other. Louis walks back over to the bed and gives me a cuddle.

"Shall we have your breakfast? If I promise to eat half, will you have the rest?" I kiss Louis' cheek.

"Okay, baby."


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