Louis - Princess in the Streets, Freak in the Sheets (Carlie)

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Requested by: PerfectionDesperate

Warning : Contains mature/sexual content. I don't advise you to read unless you're over 13, otherwise it's under your own discretion.

"Excuse me?" I tapped the elderly woman who stood in front of us. She turned around, an angry look on her face.

"What?" Her voice was harsh, I had to mentally remind myself not to take her words to heart. I extended my hand towards her that was holding her wallet.

"You dropped this, just wanted to make sure you got it back and it didn't go in wrong hands." I spoke sweetly, smiling widely at her. Her face softened, a small smile of graditude replacing her previous scowl.

"Well thank you dear! So sweet," She smiled, retrieving her wallet and turning back around. I smiled in success, helping others always making me feel good about myself.

"How did I become so lucky to get a princess like you?" Louis had a fond look on his face, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him. My face heated up, me looking down awkwardly. I've always been a shy girl, I was never quite good with compliments.

Lou and I have been dating for 7 months now to this date, and I still haven't gotten used to his compliments.

"Well how did I get so lucky to get a prince like you?" I smiled up at him. His lips spread into a grin, him leaning down and pressing a light kiss to my lips. He pulled away about as soon as he started, since he knows how I feel about public displays of affection. Holding hands is one thing, but I absolutely despise kissing in front of other people. It's much too intimate for a public setting.

"Dunno," He shrugged, winking. It was finally our turn in line, Louis ordering us a frozen yogurt to share. Once he paid and they handed it to him, we went to a secluded booth in the corner. I slid into the seat facing the wall so that people couldn't watch me. Louis sat right next to me, his arm unconsciously going around my shoulder.

We ate the yogurt, him eating much more of it than I did. I had other things on my mind, like my surprise for Louis tonight. I planned on giving him my virginity.

To some, it was no big deal. But to me, it was really important. It was much more than just having sex with somebody, if I was going to do that I wanted to make sure I was in love. That they loved me, and I could see a future with the said person. I didn't want to be that girl who had sex with a guy and then he left a week later, I wanted to know that I was loved and the relationship would last.

There was also the fact of my insecurites, I've never been the most 'attractive' girl around. I had a tummy and big thighs, something not a lot of people liked anymore. I went through so many years being told I was fat and ugly, and no guy would ever want to be with me, so of course I carry that insecurity around with me.

When Louis asked me out on a date, I was beyond happy. And beyond nervous. Louis was a stunner, obviously one of the jocks at our school. He's the captain of the football team, and he just has that fluffy chestnut hair and damn those blue eyes. He's literally walking perfection, and I still don't see why he went for me.


We were currently on the couch cuddled together, watching some random TV show from the 90's. Well, I wouldn't exactly say watching, considering our hands were trailing across each other and our tongues were swirling around eachother. I pushed his chest so that he was now laying on his back, situating myself so I was straddling him. I pressed down, grinding myself against him which caused a deep moan to escape his mouth.

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