Liam - Naughty RA (Cynthia)

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Requested by: @5sosandchips

Cynthia's POV

As any other Friday, my RA, Liam, comes round to my dorm to see if any of us are having any issues with our rooms ect. Liam's adorable, but in the year above. Which means he's practically untouchable. I can flirt my little butt off to him, and sometimes he flirts back, but it won't change a thing. Unfortunately.

Liam's the usual boy that everyone goes for. He's tall, dark haired and has the most beautifully tones abs I've ever seen. He's funny, sweet, charming and not stuck up at all. I feel in a daze whenever we are in the same room! But  the fact that he is way out of my league is not the only problem I have, he's practically going out with Kelly. Kelly is vile. I despise the girl. She's tall, unlike me, beautiful, unlike me, and has huge assets, unlike me.

It was now 5 o'clock and I was expecting Liam to be round any minute now. I was frantically tiding around the dorm, trying to make it look presentable before I sit down to 'look natural'. Don't want Liam to think I'm trying too hard. Just as my bottom made contact with the sofa, there were three knocks on the door. I got up and went to answer it and of course, it was Liam.

"Hey babe, just doing the rounds" Liam said whilst handing off the door frame. God he was gorgeous. He stared straight through me.

"Oh, hey" I reply, trying to keep my cool. I step back into the dorm, allowing him to enter.

"You alright? Is there any issues? Wonky door handles, busted pipes, a clogged up sink?" He listed before sitting on my sofa. I followed him and sat in the seat next to him.

"Nope, everything's working as it should-I think" I joke, trying seem friendly. I don't want him to think I'm desperate. I stand back up and walk towards the kitchen area. "Want a drink whilst you're here?" I ask, already getting myself one.

"Depends what you're serving!" Liam stood up to inspect what drinks I had in the fridge. He walked over and bent down to see what we had in. My eyes couldn't help but be attracted to his butt. Still checking him out, I freeze in my spot to take in what I was seeing. It was so good for a guy's butt. My hands stopped in mid air whilst holding on to two classes. "Is this okay for me to have?" Liam turns his head round and instinctively I throw mine back around, hoping that he didn't see. With my back still turned to him, I could feel Liam smile. "Something good down there?" Liam asks, standing up and pressing his body against my back.

"I don't know what you mean..." I pretend, feeling utterly humiliated that he caught me checking him out. I moved my hands around the cups to try to make it seem that I wasn't embarrassed. I placed them down onto the counter.

"No?" His body felt as though it was moulded to mine; there were no gaps between us. I lean forward to grab the bottle of supermarket's own cola, to then open it and pour into two cups. Liam grasped my arms. His head was hovering over my shoulder, intimidating me. His lips were dangerously close to my ear. He's so hot. "You sure about that?"

His voice became deeper and quieter.  With my body completely sandwiched between him and the counter, I felt immobilised. The warmth of Liam's body pulsated through mine. I couldn't quite believe what was happening. "You know, it's okay to admire what you think is beautiful" He told my listening ear. This is so embarrassing. I couldn't handle a speech about checking people out. I want to die, but I also want to be this close to Liam.  My emotions swirled around my head. "I do it all the time" Liam continued. His hands moved my arms so that they were behind me, as if I was being arrested. Liam's jeaned crotch was in my hands. He released my hands and brought his up to my shoulders, holding them strongly. Being careful not to move my fingers an inch, I intensely listen to what he was say with not just his words, but also with his actions.

Liam trailed his long fingers from my bare shoulders down to my lower neck to chest. Drawing the most wonderful circles on my bare skin, Liam pressed his cheek onto mine. "I mean" Liam paused again, looking down at my body. "I'm doing it right now." He concluded. Being absolutely frozen in my stance, I can do nothing but think. Think about what I want. Who I want.

"Liam." I spoke, being utter shocked that I still had the ability.

"Hmmmm" he replied with a throaty groan.

"You've got a girlfriend"


Hi Cynthia! Thought I'd leave you wanting more! Really enjoyed writing this and I'm so sorry for the wait- I've had a mild flu! Leave a comment so I know what you think! <3

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