Niall - Tennis (Kiara)

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Kiara's POV

"You're doing it wrong" A male, Irish voice told me whilst my arm was mid-swing into my serve. I was practicing playing on my own, before my friend would turn up. We decided to have a weekend break in New York to go sight seeing, meet new people and all sorts of typical tourist-y things that people do, but our main reason was to get drunk.

"What?" I asked, exasperated. I turn around to face the voice. His face was familiar, and very attractive.

"I said, you're doing it wrong. Serving, I mean" He replies nonchalantly. He continued messing with his tennis ball before throwing it in the air and effortlessly whacking it with his racket. "See?"

"I didn't even serve before you told me it was wrong. How do you know that I wasn't going to serve like what you did?" I ask whilst scanning his face, trying to remember who he is.

"Of course you wouldn't serve like me, you're a girl." He teased.

"Can girls not play tennis?"

"You've heard them during Wimbledon, moaning and groaning so that men don't realise that they can't play." His voice was so matter-of-fact.

"Oh, is that right?" We both laugh lightly and the blond, Irish boy took this opportunity to walk towards me.

"I'm Niall"

"The professional tennis player?" I joke.

"Nahh, more like professional golfer!" He laughs contagiously. Then I realise who he is. Niall Horan from One Direction. What is he doing here?

"I'm Kiara"

"Beautiful name. So, Kiara, do you fancy letting me teach you how to play tennis properly?" He smiles and then points to the court behind him.

"Sure" Like I was going to miss the opportunity to play tennis with Niall Horan, One Direction.

We walk over to the court and Niall stands the opposite side to me.

"Right, come one then Kiara, show me what you got"

Niall starts the game, serving effortlessly as he had done before. His skill was evident and the fact that he was letting me win was also evident. We kept a rally between us, constantly batting the tennis ball from one to another, running to try to keep it in the bounds of the court.

When the game had become so tiring, I let the ball fly past me, and I pretended to be disappointed.

"damn it!" I acted.

"You did well" Niall shouted before walking to the net to talk to me. I walk towards him, sweating myself to death. I new that I should've been working out! I never thought I'd need to impress anyone with my ability to run about.]

"Thanks" I pant, completely out of breath. "You're really good!" I smile, stupidly.

"I told you, I'm a professional."

"Kiara?" I hear my friend shout after me. Now she decides to drag herself out of bed!

"Over here!" I turn around to face her and reply. I swivel back to Niall and smile apologetically. "That's my friend" I say, stating the complete an utter obvious, "I've gotta go. Thanks for the game, Niall"

One Direction ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora