Liam - Comic-Con (Carlie)

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Requested by: Pleasant-Peasant

"This shits' gonna give me a major wedgie," I complained, pulling at the skin-tight latex that adorned my body

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"This shits' gonna give me a major wedgie," I complained, pulling at the skin-tight latex that adorned my body.

"Who cares, you look hot as fuck. I'd bang you if I swinged that way." Cara laughed, applying makeup to my eyes.

"Gee, thanks," I laughed, causing her to slap me.

"Don't move, you'll ruin the art," She scolded me, just causing an even louder laugh to escape
my mouth. She finally pulled the brushes away from my face, setting them on the counter.

"Are you done?" I looked at her pleadingly, a huff and a nod in response.

"Yeah," She pulled the mask down over my eyes, careful not to smudge the makeup. "I just don't understand. Like, why Batman?"

"Because Batman is like, fierce as fuck. He's cool. And badass." I shrugged, standing from the chair and looking at my reflection in the mirror.

To be frank, I looked hot. Like, really fucking hot. And my self confidence levels have been pretty low lately.

I had on a full body latex suit, which, while it showed all of my curves, it also smoothed them out. There was a light-weight cape that was attached to my back, and a mask that covered the top half of my head with the ears. My hair was in loose curls underneath it, and my makeup was simple yet sexy.

"Are you sure I look good?" I turned to Cara nervously, turning my head and my body to get a different view in the mirror.

"Carlie Shae." I turned to look at her, her hands reaching out and grabbing my shoulders.

"You're fucking hot as hell. Not only are you hot, but you're beautiful. Don't underestimate yourself. Now you go to that nerd convention, and be the hottest batman in the building." She smirked, smacking my butt as she led me out of the hotel room.


There were a lot of people who also cosplayed as Batman.

No women, though, so that's something.

You had the mix of really hot men, and the really nerdy men. Well, I guess everybody here is kind of a nerd, but whatever.

I stood at one of the booths, going through comic books to see if there was anything good. There honestly wasn't.

Moving on, I glanced around at all of the cosplayers. Some of them were extraordinary, while some were simply subpar.

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