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Jenn's POV

"You almost ready, babe?" Liam calls up the stairs. We are going out for dinner as its our 3 year anniversary. As he is on break right now, we are also celebrating being able to go out the house without having reporters following our every move.

"Yeah, I just cant find my shoes!" I shout back as I'm throwing shoes left, right and centre from my wardrobe.

"Which ones are they?" He calls back. I hear small bangs and other noises, he must have started to help me look.

"The ones I never wear." I reply, still searching for the shoes. Once I had gone through my wardrobe, I stand up and plonk myself next to our bed and start to search underneath it.

"Babes, I'm not being funny but that's not the best description that I've ever heard." He jokes.

"Sorry!" I laugh back, "They're red, the ones you bought me for my birthday."

"Got em!" He shouts to me, a small burst of relief travels through me as we are late for our reservations, and Liam hates being late.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I repeat as I rush out the bedroom door, through the landing and down the stairs. I jump at Liam and kiss his cheek. Then, I take the shoes and sit on our sofa so that I can put them on.

"Can't you put them on in the car?" Liam asks, glancing at his watch.

"Liam, ill have dirty feet." I reply, not looking at him, but staring at my shoes whilst I put them on speedily.

"Okay then." Liam's smiles as he replies. He always told me that the fact that I have a mind of my own, and doesn't always want to do what he wants, is one of the reasons why he's with me. "See! I'm done!" I say as I stand up. Liam grabs the keys and opens the front door for us to leave. With the door slamming behind me, we rush into the car.

Once we had arrived to one of the most swarve restaurants that I have ever seen. I was still amazed that Liam could afford these places. Obviously I couldn't, and I hated that. I wish that I could pay my half but being a student at university meant that I'm skint. "Wow"

Liam and I walk into the entrance of the restaurant and we are asked to give in our coats. Once de-coated, we are then escorted to the main desk, where we talk with a slender male in a black, immaculate suit. 

"Table for Dallas" Liam says, using his fake name. If people, reporters or fans, saw the reservation book, or if the staff told the newspapers, our date would be ruined by flashing lights and screaming. I don't hate Liam's fans, not at all. Just sometimes it's nice to see the real Liam when we are out together. Liam always puts on this strong face and doesn't show his true emotion when in front of everyone else. I miss the real Liam when I travel on tour with him because it feels like I never get to be with him.

"Ahh, yes. The table under the stars, I see you've booked it?" The man replies as we start to walk to the table.

"Yes, I hear it is your best table" Liam says, looking at me and smiling. I smile back and all the feelings that I have ever felt for him became embedded within me.

"All of our tables are wonderful, sir." The suited man replies. Liam pulls a face to me and I giggle.

"Of course, they are, sir" I mock.

As soon as our table was insight I gasp. It was beautiful. Our table was in a little canopy with fairy lights draped across the sides. Red, rose scented, candles lead a path for us to walk along. There was just enough light for us to see our food, but little enough to feel alone.

"Your food that you selected earlier is being cooked as we speak. There's complementary champagne on your table and ice just there" The man points to a bucket underneath the table. "Have a lovely evening."

"Thank you" Liam and I say in sync.

Liam pulls out a seat for me and tucks me in. He moves the bucket from underneath the table, so that I don't kick it over-apparently,  and sits beside me. He pops the champagne open and pours us both a glass and raises it for a toast. I mimic his actions and raise mine.

"To my beautiful Jenn, you have been a real rock for me. You have always wanted to know why I'm upset and have always made me feel 10000x better. I know I can't always be here, at home, but I will always be here for you. I am completely in love with you and I could never imagine being with anyone else. I know it's taken me too long to say this, but I wanted to say it when we were together and this is just the perfect time. I love you. I have loved you from the moment my eyes met yours. I cant imagine loving anyone or anything else as much as I love you." Liam pauses to clink our glasses together and we both take a sip.

"I love you too, baby." I smile uncontrollably back. Liam and I had told each other that we loved each other, but we never told each other while he's away on tour. We find it too hard to be apart then. Liam's beautiful words ignited my heart.

Liam places his glass on the table and picks up one of my hands. With his other hand he searches his trouser pocket. As I presume he finds what he needs, he moves off the chair and onto one knee. Staring intently into my eyes, Liam sees little tears forming in them.

"Will you let me love you forever?" Liam opens the small, black, satin box with one hand and reveals a beautiful diamond ring.

"Will you marry me, Jenn?"


Just thought that there should be a soppy Liam imagine for his birthday! Can't believe he's 22 and still looks stunning!

Anyway.... If you enjoyed reading this, vote, comment or request! We are still taking in requests! So do it before we stop!

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