Zayn - Still Dressed as a Woman 'BSE' (Kambriegh)

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Requested by: MarcelsCuteButtons

Kambriegh's POV

I had been constantly working on the boys'  makeup all day. They have been filming 'The Best Song Ever' all day. It's been a very long day for me, being head of their beauty sector, I have to make sure that they all look perfect, even if it's not me that is doing their makeup directly.

After a good 12 hours of filming it was time for the begging of the removal of the makeup and costumes. I've been working with the boys ever since they got the record deal after the X factor. I organically worked there, but then obviously I moved on to bigger and better things. I had a very close relationship with the boys, especially Zayn. We always see eye to eye and when he messes up, I always know that he means it in the best way. We just got each other.

The director called cut and the boys made their little speech, thanking everyone who had helped the day to run so smoothly. Once Harry had finished thanking the director of the video, it would be time to get the boys out of their costumes so that they could go home for a well earned rest!

As there were only two other makeup artists with us, Liam and Zayn had to wait by the side. We were in a lounge/ dressing room, where there were three beauty stations, with a mirror and chair, for the boys to sit in. Leah was attempting to peal off Niall's 60 year old self's face, whilst Kim was doing the same for Louis.  I found myself trying to wash out the grease in Harry's hair that was used for his 'Marcel look'. Zayn and Liam were chilling on the sofa, their eyes were flitting between the sofa and Harry, who was complaining about how rough I was being with his hair. I ran my fingers through his hair, trying to squeeze out the wax. Harry let out little squeaks and 'owwww!' 's

"If you just stayed still, it wouldn't hurt this much!" I explained but Harry continues to complain.

"Are you trying to pull the hair out of my head?!" Harry joked. I continued to wash out his hair, ignoring his reply verbally, but giving him a 'shut up' facial expression in the mirror.

"Come on, Kambreigh! You're supposed to have a woman's touch!" Liam chirped in, whilst still being in his coach gear.

"Ill show you a woman's touch" Zayn replied whilst standing up and the hip bumping me out of the way. I flew into Kim's side in the process.  Zayn cupped the water in his hands and dropped it in Harry's eyes. Harry shouted in shock, whilst everyone else laughed. "See!" Zayn laughed and winked at me. "Now you'll be more grateful when a pretty gal is trying to help you! Zayn continued. He dipped his finger into the water and flicked it in my face. I closed my eyes and smiled .

"Oi you" I joked, after opening my eyes again. "You are 100% womanly!" I joked. Zayn started to walk around in his heels, showing off the fact that he could walk in them. After a few hundred meters, Zayn stopped and took off his heels.

"I don't know how you do it!" He said, pointing down to my 6inch heels.

"All takes practice, my dear" I rely in my most wise voice I have.

"Haha, sure! You're in pain, you just don't want to admit it!" Zayn tells me as I start to stroke the wax out of Harry's hair again.

"I'm being serious, after a while you don't even notice the pain" I joke.

"I love a woman in heel, don't you Liam?" Zayn walks over to the sofa and sits back down next to Liam. He looks at him, awaiting an answer.

"Yeah, man. I love it when Soph wears her red ones" Liam answers and the other boys agree.

"It's just the way a girl strands when she's in heels that makes you want her more." Niall adds in between having his face soaked in makeup remover.

Zayn's eyes focus on my heels, as I can see  in the mirror. His eyes trial up my legs that were in tan tights. His eyes then moved to my black skirt and bottom. Instead of moving North, Zayn's eyes stayed in this spot. With his lip caught between his teeth.

"Now, Zayn, I thought it was a girls heels that you loved the most" I joked, pointing out the fact that he was staring at my asset...

"Not that I loved the most, I love lots of things that women have"


Hii! Thank you for requesting! I'm so sorry if this is not what you wanted, I found it a little difficult to write this imagine. If this is not what you wanted Kambriegh, please don't hesitate in requesting for another imagine! Everyone is welcome to request, vote and comment!

<3 x

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