Louis - You're a Virgin? (Arka)

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Requested by: BieberAndHazza

Arka's POV

"Hey Lou" I shout over the sound of mass murdering which was taking place on the new games console Louis had bought me. So what, I may well be a little geek at heart...

"Hey, have you been doing this all day?" Louis ask after entering the living room. He and just got back from one of his last meetings before the break.

"Pretty much" I reply with my whole focus on this new game.

"You're doing it wrong, see" Louis took the console controller out of my hands to show me how to shoot more people. "You aim for their body, not there head, you silly billy" he teases.

"Why don't you join me in a game?" I ask after Louis killed me on the game. "I can set it up to be two players?"

"Sure, let me just get into my joggers" he replies whilst running upstairs to get changed.

I reset the game so that it was in two player mode so that we could play together. I sat back onto the sofa, with both remotes in my hands, whilst Louis stood in front of me in his grey joggers and a baggy, white t-shirt. "Is it all okay?" Lou ask before sitting down next to me. I handed him his remote instead of responding.

"Okay you start the game then." I say. He should start it, I mean Louis is an expect...

"Okay, ready?" Louis asks patronisingly.


All of a sudden the game starts and what seems like hindered of men in brown and green outfits start running at me to attack me. I've never played in this mode before. Making a complete and utter fool out of myself, I die instantly in the game.

"Have you actually been playing this all day?" Louis teases.

"Well it's alright for me to be bad, I'm still young. You're supposed to be a man and you're playing games for boys." I say, taking his comment to heart.

"Chill, babe, I was joking."

"It's true though," I say lightly, trying to make the situation a little brighter.

"I'm not boyish, Arka."

"Yes you are." I tease.

"No, I'm all man!" Louis jokes whilst pointing at his crotch, as if it is impressing me.

"Haha! Suuuureee..."

"It's true, you a child until you have sex."

"So by that logic I'm still a child?"

"You're not a virgin." He tells me, as if he knows be better than I know myself.

"And how would you know?" I tell him matter-of-factly.

"Girls like you arent virgins"

"Cheers." I say, taking offence at his comment.

"No I didn't mean to call you a whore... I meant like because you're pretty and stuff. Like why have you waited?"

"I guess I never really have felt confident enough to show someone else my body, if I'm honest."

"From what I can see, your body looks amazing." Louis lets slip.

He puts his and my remote onto the glass coffee table that was in front of us. Slowly he leaned in until he was unbearably close. Louis pressed his hands to my face and pulled me into him. Slowly, he kissed my lips, gently biting my bottom lip seductively. Not knowing what to do, I tried to mirror his rhythm of kisses. Louis traces his fingers dos from my face to my shoulders. Smoothly, he pushed the straps of my shirt and bra down my arms, so that I was bare. My hands remained on my lap, awkwardly.

Louis continues to push clothing around my body, moving onto the material of my shirt that covered my stomach. He lifted the thin material up, exposing my skin. I gently pulled away from the kiss, unsure of what I was supposed to do next. I stared at him straight in the eye, unable of constructing a sentence. Louis knew I didn't want him to stop; he could see it in my eyes. Snaking round my back, Louis unhooked my bra and watched it 'ping' off of my torso. He then lifted up my shirt, taking my bra off with it, leaving me completely naked on my top half.

His eyes inspected my body carefully. Smirking whilst biting his lip, Louis picked up my hands and placed them onto his lap. "Do you feel that?" He asked whilst pressing my hands into his crotch. Knowing what he meant I smirked back at him, whilst nodding my head. Louis released my hands, allowing me to try to work out what to do next. I tried to unzip his jeans, but failed miserably. With Louis' help, I pulled his, now, opened jeans wider, allowing me to see what he was feeling. I rested my fingertips onto his hardened crotch. Louis stared at my chest shamelessly. He trailed his fingers along my sides, up to each if my boobs. Cupping and tweaking both of them, Louis played havoc with state.

I find the hole in his boxers and pull out his penis. I looked at it for a second, not really sure of how I was supposed to begin and what body part I should use. I wrapped my fingers around his penis and quickly pumped my hands up and down. Louis bit his lip in anticipation, and squeezed harder onto my nipples, sending a brief wave of pain through my body that strangely made me ache more and more. Knowing he probably wasn't doing it on purpose, I quickened my speed.

After a few more moments of moving my arms at this speed, I slow completely down and start to use one hand. My arms killed! I lifted my half naked body off of the sofa and sat on the floor, in between his knee. By the look on his face, Louis knew what was coming new. I got onto my knees, still pumping with one hand, and pulled out his balls from his boxers, one my one. I rested my elbow on his thigh and placed my chin in between his legs. My face was hidden from Louis.

After preparing myself for a few seconds, I lap at his pale, blond haired balls. Feeling every little bump in them with my tongue, I feel Louis start to shake under my touch. I flatten my tongue completely and lick the whole length of his penis, before stopping at his tip. I moved both of my hands away from his crotch and placed them on his thighs, holding his legs open. Instinctively, I sucked whilst bobbing my head up and down his length. With no control, Louis let his load fill my mouth in waves. His penis shook back and forth and he groaned and shuffled in his seat.

Feeling satisfied with my work, I willed for his salty liquid to slip down my throat. Exhausted, I used Louis' knee as a crutch to get back onto the sofa. With the both of us breathless, Louis opened his arm up for me to snuggle into.

"There's no way you're a virgin"


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