Harry-You Break Up With Your Boyfriend And He's There For You (Arka)

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Requested by BieberAndHazza

Warning ; The following imagine contains sexual nature so please read with caution.  x

Arka's POV

Two years today was our anniversary and this is how he wants it to end? Tears rolled down my cheek as they were hit by the cool autumn air. Little pathways for tear rivers were made on my cheeks as the excess water tunnel through the powder that I had put on that morning.

I wanted to look beautiful today. I wanted him to look at me the way he used to when we first started to see each other. I loved the way his eyes would widen when he would see me. The way the corners of his lips would rise whenever he heard my name. Of course that's all over now. The second he even thought about touching her, it was over. Knowing that he could touch another girl, the way he once touched me, made my skin crawl. How could he do this to me? A fresh tear filled the gap in my makeup that other tears had created. My world with him is over.

Whenever you read books or watch films about the doting girlfriend being cheated on, you automatically think that she was an angel, but I wasn't. I have never physically cheated, no, but there have been times when I wanted to. Times when Ryan made things so difficult between us, going on and on, accusing me of infidelity; those times were the most difficult. Sometimes I just wanted someone to show me somewhat affection, that's when I thought about cheating. Not that I would ever carry that out. But wanting some affection isn't wrong, is it?

The wind changed direction and was now blowing on my bare knees. I was supposed to be inside there, with him. I look at the house across the street that I'm sitting on. We moved in together three months ago, when Ryan proposed. Maybe they were right, maybe getting married after a few years together was too soon. I look down to my £1000 ring. Even in these dim lit streets, it still looks incredible.

I didn't bother to wipe my tears away, what was the point? He knew that me seeing him with that girl meant I would never speak to him again, other than to get my belongings back. I knew that when I caught them together that he wouldn't chase after me. Our marriage would've been a joke. The shame of my failed relationship hit me. I bowed my head and buried it into my hands. Sobbing violently wasn't going to solve my problems, but right now it's all I can do. My heart ached.

"Hey, hey, hey. What's wrong?" Harry's voice softly spoke. Where on earth did he come from?  He's my best friend and is probably the only person that I would allow to see me like this. Hearing his voice only made me cry more. Why couldn't I have had a boyfriend like Harry? Harry sat down next to me on the curb and started to rub my back. I only sobbed harder. "Shhhhhs, it'll be alright." Harry moved one of his hands to the opposite side of my head and pulled me gently in towards his chest. The warmth of his chest soaked my chilled body, whilst my tears soaked his shirt. After a few moments of being heated by his embrace, I pulled away so that our eyes were aliened. 

"Ryan, Ryan cheated on me" I said breathlessly. With the pain evident in my face, and entire body, Harry pulled me back into his chest as continued to 'shhhhs' me, as if I was a startled baby. He rocked us gently, trying to soothe me.

The main lights in the house opposite, the house I part owned, dimmed down again to when I had arrived just 40 minutes ago, when I caught them. "Doesn't take him long to move on." I whispered angrily. I wasn't really talking to Harry, I was really just letting out my thoughts. The devastation was real.

"Come on babe, lets just go back to my place. It's warmer there, and I promise there's a better view."  Harry's light joke made the corners of my lips rise.

"Okay, thank you" I reply.

When we arrived at Harry's country cottage, we both got out and walked up the path that led to his front door. Harry fumbled with the keys whilst I shut the gate. We had done this thousands of times before when I would come around when Ryan and I were arguing. When the key had finally unlocked the door, Harry held out his arm for me to come in.

"Wanna just sit down here for a bit? Or would you prefer to shower and go to your room?" Harry asked and I smiled. The fact that he called his spare room my room touched me.  He was so sweet to me. He makes my heart race. I don't know if it was the fact that I was so horrifically hurt just over an hour ago or if the feelings that I've supressed for years, but there was something about Harry that was attracted to.

"Can we just sit down here and watch a film? Take my mind off it?" I asked. I knew my face must look horrendous, I put my makeup on in the loos at work so that I would look 'irresistible' when I came back. Now I just look like a child has had free run of a makeup station in a drug store on one of the manikins.

"Yeah sure, you know where I keep the blankets, I'll make you a cuppa" Harry replies as he starts walking into his kitchen and taps the kettle on.

I run upstairs to collect the large fluffy blanket from under Harry's bed. This was my favourite blanket of his. It smelled just like his aftershave and was the softest blanket that I've ever felt. I run back downstairs and plonk it on the sofa. Something changed in me as soon as I entre the door. A feeling of being safe stayed with me whilst I was in his house. Harry was the reason.

All feelings of destruction had left me. I didn't feel humiliated anymore. Of course I was still sad, but I didn't feel the destruction that Ryan had caused me just over an hour ago. Harry soon came in with the two cups of tea. He had made them in our matching mugs. He passed one to me and put his on the table next to his side of the sofa. He turned on the TV and changed the channel to the film channel. "Come here" Harry said as he pulled me onto his chest. Thankfully I had put my cuppa on the table next to my seat on the sofa. I was already wrapped up in the blanket and I pulled the edge of it out from underneath me and onto Harrys lap. He pulled the corner of blanket to get more and tucked it around himself.

"Thank you for being there for me today." I said, half watching the TV.

"It's okay, you know I'd do anything for my Arka" He replied. Harry's hands moved to my stomach and he started to draw little circles on my top. I started to want him like I used to. The feeling of excitement and anticipation burned between my legs.  Harry never touched me like this when I was with Ryan, I guess he knew that I wouldn't let him, even though I wanted it.

Harry's circles become larger and all focus on the TV was lost. I trailed my fingers up and down Harry's arm whilst he drew on my shirt. With my other hand I lifted up my shirt so that his fingers could touch my bare skin. His touch was so soft. An almost silent moan left my lips and Harry chuckled.

"You like this eh?" I could sense his smile in his voice. His comment sent blood to my cheeks, leaving them shamefully embarrassed. I move out of his touch so that I could sit up. I disguised my want for getting out of the situation for thirst. I leant over to get my cup of tea and took a few sips, my eyes never leaving the TV. "I guess you didn't then. Shame really, I was." Harry smirked and moved back onto his side of the sofa and grabbed his cup of tea.

"I didn't say that I didn't like it." I said cheekily, but still, I didn't dare take my eyes off the TV.

"Oh really" Harry replied.

He took a few more sips of his tea and placed his cup in the position that it was previously in. With my eyes still glued to the TV, I watch Harry bend over to the fire place and try to light it. Once it was finally lit he crawled over to me and took my cup out of my hands, making me stare at him. He rested his arms on my legs, leaving his hands that were tangled round my mug, very close to my most private place.

"Now tell me that you don't want me the way I want you Arka."


Hi all, I have really enjoyed writing this imagine and I am unsure whether a second part would be needed or wanted. Please comment if you would like a second part:)

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